How Much Water Should We Drink a Day?

How Much Water Should We Drink a Day?

February 28, 2021 by Pure Water Solutions

” How much water should I drink a day?”. This is one of the most asked questions nowadays. The so-called wise people recommend us to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. They say that water is important for our life, that’s why we should drink more water. But there is no any strong scientific proof behind their logic.

In today’s time, people drink plenty of water in countries like America, United Kingdom and India. They drink because they are advised to drink more water. Some people are advised that drinking a lot of water gets rid of many diseases like

? Cancer


 ?Kidney Problems


? Dark Circles 

 ?Indigestion etc.

Normally, people say that we should drink at least 8 glass of water daily. But there is no scientific fact or research to make this statement authentic. There are so many myths as well as facts about How much water should I drink a day?

The U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine says :

15.5 cups ( about 3.7 liters ) fluid a day for men and 11.5 cups ( about 2.7 liters ) fluid a day for women are recommended. This includes tea, coffee, fruits, cold drinks, soft drinks and the food we eat. The water we get from food, meets 20% of our body’s water requirements.

There is no doubt that water is very important not only for us but also for animals, birds and plants. Two – thirds of the total weight of our body consists of water.Water also fulfill the nutritional need of our body. Some of the important roles of water in our body are :

 ?Water keeps our tissues and spinal cord healthy

? It helps in removing waste from our body

 ?Maintains body temperature 

 ?Helps in proper working of cardiovascular system

 ?Plays an important role in digestion system

 ?Delivers oxygen throughout the body

 ?Keeps our body hydrate 

Myths behind How much water should I drink a day?

This a myth that we should drink 8 glass of water daily. There is no any scientific evidence for this statement. Health experts recommend us to do this. The truth is that we should drink water as much as our body needs. Our body knows how to maintain the water balance. This is a very advanced and complexes process.

Our brain understands the need for our body. Whenever the body needs water, our brain signals us to be thirsty.It also signals our kidneys to thicken the urine and avoid draining too much of water through urination.

As we mentioned above that what are the benefits of drinking water. But it does not mean that we should drink excess water. There is no evidence that drinking too much water is good for our health. We should drink water only when we feel thirsty.

Is Drinking more Water is Good For Health?

Drinking more water is not harmful for our health. If fact, it keeps our body hydrate. This is why people try to drink 8 – 10 glasses of water throughout the day. There is nothing wrong in this practice. Need of water varies from person to person. But if we drink too much water then there is a lack of sodium in our body, and our mind and lungs get swollen. This may lead problematic situation for us.

How much Water Should I Drink a Day?

We know that 60% of our whole body is made of water. First of all, be clear in your mind that drinking 8 glass of water is not the perfect formula of the above asked question that how much water should I drink a day.However there is nothing wrong in drinking 8 glasses of water.

A lot of facts determine the need of water for our body. Some of those facts are :

 Age : The formula of drinking 8 glasses of water fails here. An 8 to 10 years of child cannot drink 8 glasses of water in a day. Drinking 8 glasses of water can affect his/her health.

 Season : We feel more thirsty in the summer season and less in the cold season. The simple reason for this is that we sweat more in summer and less in winter. Due to which body needs more water in the summer season and less in winter. In the summer season, we drink more than 8 glasses of water.

 Our Daily Activity : Need of water for our body also depends on the work we do. If we do more hard work, then our body gets sweat and our body needs more water than the person who does not do hard work.

 Condition of our Health : Whenever we have fever or vomiting, our body needs more water than the average to maintain the water level. Diabetic patients also need more water.

Note : After the age of 60, our ability to experience the thirst declines. This causes the possibility of dehydration.

 Our Eating Habit : Taking too much of coffee increases the need of water for our body. Eating salty and spicy food also increases the demand of water in our body.

Therefore do not run behind some false claim that drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is compulsory for maintaining a good health. As we mentioned earlier in this article that there is no any scientific evidence of it. So many heath experts suggest us to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day including milk, tea, coffee and soft drinks.


The body itself determines how much water the body needs according to its condition like health, age, climate etc. Whenever the body needs water, it gives us signal through thirst. For thousands of years, we have quenched our thirst with these signals. Simple answer to the question that how much water should I drink a day is that let the body and mind decide it.

We tried to provide as much information as possible through this article. We also believe this small article have solved your query on How much water should I drink a day? Credit to this article goes to our research and technical team who made this article informative.

Thanks for reading this article on How much water should I drink a day?

Drink Healthy & Stay Healthy.

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