How much value do you bring?
You don't get paid by the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. How much value do you bring?

How much value do you bring?

It makes a whole lot of sense when you read it, but practical application is a whole other matter. It's not that cut and dry, as the market can decide and there will always be someone cheaper. However, the race to the bottom is one that I stay away from.

What I prefer to ask is how can we bring more value to each hour?

What can we do that will lift the experience, improve the outcome and make it something to celebrate. There is a mindset of adding value that comes from the determination to succeed. If you don't truly believe, chances are the experience will feel like a chore and you won't give it your best. This will end in self-sabotage and disappointment.

I know this, because of how many times I've sabotaged myself.

If I take on a task I'm not fully invested in, I can just about guarantee that it will fail. Only because I don't have the drive to make it succeed.

This has caused me to think a whole lot harder about what I do these days and what I decide to take on. Experience has taught me that you shouldn't take every single thing, every single time. Especially when you are self-employed. All too often the need to just keep everything going can lead to less than favourable choices and it's something we all need to do. That's why it's called sacrifice. Especially in the early days, you have to take everything that comes your way and give it everything you've got.

There's just one thing that the me of today doesn't have, that me ten years ago had.

Spare time.

Between everything going on in my adult life these days, I have windows of mere minutes that equate to my free time. By force, I have to be far more selective with how I dedicate my time. This wasn't by choice, it was forced upon me as my life shifted into another stage with commitments to family. Not something I fully appreciated at the time, however on reflection it's been a significant shift.

It's forced me to rethink my days, what I want to do, what I believe in and what sparks the flame inside me.

Given that lack of time, I've had to critically analyse the value I bring to each hour. I consistently as is this pushing us forward, or moving us backwards? Am I adding value, or taking it away?

By focussing on the value that I bring to each hour, I've drastically changed my approach to work.

Not only that, I've found that work is getting better than ever.

#Jobseekers #HumanResources #Careers #Motivation #HR #Jobs #Human_Resources #Leadership


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