How much time do you give to your future self?

How much time do you give to your future self?

How much time do you give to your future self??

What a strange question I hear you ask. I do ask the strangest questions! I ask some deep structured questions; but this is quite a light-hearted one. The future self version of you probably doesn't get a look in because you're probably busy in the now. Got to get this stuff done, got to get the kids to school, got to build the business, got to do this, got to lose weight, got to keep fit, got to keep my relationships going, got to see some friends, got to go to the gym, got to walk the dog - whatever's going on in your life will get your attention. This is the stuff that's urgent and important, so it gets all of your time.?

The other time is probably the past you. Why did I do that? Why didn't I say that? I should have gone there. I should have done that. Lots of self-talk around the past version of you - even the most immediate past version of you, i.e. Yesterday or last week, or three weeks ago when you should have started the diet before you're going on holiday in two months time. That part of you probably gets the rest of you.?

How often do you really think about the future version of you? How often do you dedicate time to really considering who you are then, who you want to be, and what that life will be like. What it will feel like, what it will look like.?

I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. That wondering part of the brain is very good because it helps you to move forward. It helps you to move towards that version of you. The trouble is, if you're thinking about the past version, as you know, as I say all the time, you'll go back. No-one wants to go back. We're not designed to go backwards, we're designed to go forward. That's why our eyes are on the front of our head. We are designed to move forwards.?

Today I want you to take some time just for you, and you'll say “Vivienne, I haven't got time, I’m too busy. If you haven't got time, it's a bit like they say about meditation, then you should bloody well make time. If you haven't got 10 minutes in your day to sit and think about yourself and your life and your future, then your life NOW needs some work, I can tell you that much. Let's look at some balance for that life.?

Sit quietly for 10 minutes and I want you to imagine a future version of you, in front of you.?

Some of you are really good at visualising, some of you will get a sense of that, some of you can feel that version of you energetically, some of you might even be able to hear her talking to you. Whatever you prefer - what your preferred representation system is as we call it in NLP, is how you can bring that version of you to life.?

I want you to just imagine her there now. Bring her as close to your mind as you possibly can. I want you to notice what she's wearing. I want you to notice how she's moving, how she's standing. To notice the expression on her face. Notice how she feels. What do you think she feels like because you are aware of her. Ask her! Ask her how far in the future she is, because your brain knows some really clever stuff, and believe it or not, will give you messages from your next level, but when you don't even know - you're not even realising, recognising or hearing that little soul Sat Nav that's giving you your next level information. And the noisier your life is, the less you'll be doing this.?

So just quieten your mind so you can hear your own soul speak, can hear your inner guidance system, because it knows so much. And as you ask her, notice what she says back. Notice how she responds to you. Have a conversation… and know that you can do this without me. You can bring this vision up for yourself, or this feeling, or this sense of your future self.?

There'll be lots of future selves sitting waiting for you. Lots and lots of them. I wonder who they are. I would love to help you find who they are. If you visit my website, there's a link underneath. You'll find out how you can start that work. And I look forward to being your guide.


