How Much Should You Pay for Legal Content Writing?

How Much Should You Pay for Legal Content Writing?

Without content there is no SEO. There is no PPC. There is no social media. There is no email.?Without content, there is no marketing. So why is content priced like it’s the cherry on top rather than the whole sundae?

One of the core services we provide at Juris Digital is?legal content writing. We employ a team of skilled writers – most of whom are attorneys –?and we pay them fairly?.

We invest heavily in content writing because there is no marketing success without high quality content. Period.

Our content writing services are not cheap.?We routinely lose out on content business because we don’t race to the bottom on price. (We also often win that business a few months later after time and money has been wasted on low quality content).

If you are in the market for legal content, you are probably looking for both high quality and a reasonable price.?So how much should you pay for legal content?

Stop thinking about outputs and start thinking about outcomes.

Many content vendors charge based on their output. For example, 5 blog posts, 10 practice area pages, 3,500 words, etc.

These are outputs?and they are generally valued in terms of the time associated with their production. So, if 5 blog posts takes 10 hours of labor at 50 dollars per hour, you will be charged $500, $100 per post.

At Juris Digital we price our content writing – and indeed structure our entire content production system –?based on outcomes?not?outputs. Here are some examples of the outcomes we strive for with each piece of content:

  • High search rankings for relevant keywords in a reasonable time-frame
  • Consistent, meaningful organic search traffic
  • Traffic from relevant folks who may well become paying customers
  • Enhanced user experience by way of providing accurate, actionable information

Would you spend $1,000 on a single page of content?

Sounds like a lot, eh? If you are thinking only in terms of output, you would balk at spending that kind of money on a single page of website content.

But if you are thinking in terms of outcomes you would ask “what results can I expect a $1,000 page of content to produce?”

And then I might show you this:

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Source: Ahrefs overview report for

The value of the traffic generated by this single piece of content is $155k per month. That means, if you were to run?PPC ads?to target all of the keywords that bring in traffic for this page, you could expect to spend around $155k per month.

This client paid us $1,000, one time to create this piece of content. He said “I want more construction accident cases; how do I achieve that?”

We said “you need a best-in-class practice area page which is optimized for “construction accident lawyer” keywords in your city, Brooklyn”. We showed him projections of the type of traffic he could expect to generate if he ranked a single page of content for these keywords.

He didn’t hesitate to?pay?invest $1,000 because he knew he was investing in an outcome – getting more construction accident cases – not paying for outputs.

He?paid?invested $1,000 and the outcome is that he now gets lots of traffic from folks who have been injured in a construction site accident and need a lawyer.

Do you think he thinks he overpaid?

Our content writing process was created to generate positive outcomes

When you contact most legal content vendors, they will ask you what topics you want and how many words you want each to be.

This is ass-backwards.

Here’s our process:

Step 1: Get to the bottom of what you want to achieve

If you contact us about legal content (or SEO or PPC or website design or anything else we do), we will ask you what outcomes you hope to produce. You might say:

  • I want more dog bite injury cases.
  • I want to better educate my clients on their rights after an arrest.
  • I want to become an authority on partnership disputes.
  • I want to bring in clients from a broader geographic area.

Step 2: Use data to inform our content recommendations

Next, we’ll take what you tell us about your desired outcomes (goals) and we will do research in order to make data-informed recommendations for what sort of content will be required to achieve those goals.

One way this commonly plays out is that clients think they need 10 posts per month (indefinitely) to achieve a certain outcome. But our research might indicate that they actually only need to create a handful of posts for a specific topic cluster, each piece being optimized for?specific clusters of keywords?in order to reach their goals.

In this way, our content process is built to generate positive outcomes, rather than to simply generate output. And while each individual piece of content might cost more with us, we will generally save you money in the long run by making sure that you don’t waste it on content that won’t produce any positive outcomes.

Step 3: Brief creation and handover to writers

Once we have a plan for what content needs to be created and what keywords will be targeted with each, our content managers will create a brief for our writers.

This brief will contain all of the information the writer needs to be successful, not just a title (which is what most content vendors provide to their writers).

Step 4: Writing and editing

Next, the content is written by a writer who is best suited to the topic (ie. we have some writers who have practiced in certain areas of law, and so those folks are specifically chosen for topics within that area.)

Once the content is written, it is edited by one of our professional attorney-editors.

Step 5: Publishing and submitting for indexation

Once the content is approved, we’ll publish it on your website. Since we are SEO pros, we’ll make sure that all crucial SEO elements are properly optimized based on the goals for each piece of content. Once the piece is published we’ll submit it to Google for indexation using Google Search Console.

So by investing in content with us, not only are you getting high quality words on page, you are getting a well formatted, well-optimized published final product that was polished off by an experienced search marketer.

What do you care about – output or outcomes?

If you only care about output – 20 blogs per month – then by all means, find the lowest price and go with God.

But if you care about generating positive outcomes by investing in strategic, best-in-class content for your law firm, let’s talk.


This post was originally published on the Juris Digital blog. It was authored by Matt @ Juris Digital.


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