How much should I exercise?

How much should I exercise?

This (or a version of it) is a question I get almost every day. Here’s the thing; there is no standard rule for anyone on how much you should exercise. Yes, there’s guidelines from folks like the CDC:? at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or a combination of the two. They also recommend at least 2 days of strengthening activities.

How you’re going to get there is going to be different for everyone! Here are some questions I'd be asking - and what to ask yourself when deciding what type of exercise to engage in.

What are your goals?? Are you trying to gain/lose weight? Gain muscle? Do you have an event like a 5K, triathlon, etc. that you are wanting to participate in?

How much are you exercising now? How much time do you feel like you can carve out in your day?

What is your preference on how you like to work out? Do you want to go to the gym for an hour? OR is 10 minutes 4 times a day better??

What is your current ability to tolerate activity? Are you just starting from scratch? If you had to, could you run a mile right now? How much can you lift?

All of these things are questions that will help make a plan more effective for YOU. Who cares what “they” say. The most important thing is finding a plan that works for your body and in your life.?

Every person’s plan should be different because no two humans on this planet have the same goals OR the same starting point. The best thing you can do is start WHERE YOU ARE and make it better every day.?

10 minutes of exercise is a whole lot more than zero.?

1 day of exercise is more than none.?

Tracking your steps/food/water/exercise some days is better than no days.?

Figure out where you are, and where you want to go. Make decisions every day that move you towards that goal. Some days you’re gonna kill it. You’ll do more than you ever thought, feel motivated for more, and see real progress. Some days you won’t meet any of your goals. Know that that’s OK and tomorrow is always there to try to do the next right thing to move that needle one tiny tick towards your goals.?

Yes, 3 days a week of walking for 10 minutes is a GREAT place to start, if you’re currently not walking at all.?

Yes, 5 days a week in the gym with an organized program of weight lifting and cardio is a GREAT place to start if you’re already doing something and are trying to do more.?

Yes, breaking your exercises up into 6 chunks of 10 minutes throughout the day is a GREAT place to start if you can’t dedicate an hour of your day right now.?

Yes, if you’re not sure where to start, walking down the street, chasing your kids, doing yard work, jumping on the trampoline, or playing with your dog is GREAT exercise.?

And Yes, focused tracking of your macros, lifting heavy most days of the week, a couple days of cardio, and a couple days of active recovery is a GREAT place to start. if you're ready to go all-in.

If you aren’t sure of where you should start, finding an expert is the way to go. This way you get a plan customized to you and your goals. (PS. A physical therapist is a great place to find this.) There are also many cookie cutter plans online with a simple google search for just about any goal you might have.

Of course if you have any concerns, or you just haven’t seen them in a while, see a doctor first to make sure you are healthy enough to start an exercise program. If you have pain or other limitations that are stopping you from starting, see your physical therapist to start moving your body better so that it is easier to meet those goals you have.?

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