How Much is my Business Really Worth?

How Much is my Business Really Worth?

Small and midsize business owners generally think they know what their business is worth but are often times mistaken significantly. This video explains the market valuation of small and midsized businesses and compares those lower valuations with higher EBITDA generating companies that are publically traded. Valuations based on multiples of earnings are the market norm and knowing where your business stands in the market is key to actually being able to sell it. Did you know that only about 1 out of 13 small businesses sell? It's a staggering number that most people don't expect, but that's the reality. Why do 12 out of 13 never sell? A number of reasons and we'll go over some of them. Don't be an uninformed newbie when it comes to selling your business. Understand the business selling market. Understand who can buy your business and decide whether you want to sell it yourself or using a third party such as a business broker to market and sell your business. Let's talk about what your business is really worth. Watch my video now to learn this great, factual and valuable information and share it with any friends that are getting close to retirement and are considering selling their small business:


