How Much Love Do Our Products Contain?
I think most of us would agree that we would probably do anything to keep the people we love the most safe and comfortable. Usually, we don’t want anything in return from these loved ones other than just to see them happy, healthy, and smiling.
Love is a core truth. There is no doubt about that. Wanting to love and be loved is a core human need. Whether it is at the level of individuals or when we talk about larger communities - love matters.
Most of us who are subscribed to this newsletter are involved in creating positive impact in the world. Each one of us matters deeply. So my question to all of us is the following:
How much love…mushy…gooey love…the love that brings out the unconditional form of love in us (you know what I am talking about)….how much of that kind of love is being put into all that we are involved with? How much of that kind of love is being put into the products, solutions, services we provide?
Exercise: I request you to take out 5-10 minutes and do a written exercise. First, think of some people who you love the most in the world. Let yourself feel this love for a bit. Once you feel that connection with that love, I would like you to think about your work and write a few bullet points about how you will add more love to those areas.
How will you add more love to everything you are involved with at work? How could things turn out differently if you added more love to what you are building?
It would be great if you could share if you changed something. You can either do it in the comment section or write to me at [email protected]. I will keep the identity anonymous and share with the rest.