How much does your fear cost?
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How much does your fear cost?

Lead consciously #106. by Executive Coach Claudia Nuss lead consciously. This time: How can you use your fear to get out of the paralysis?

?The fear of failure

?A risk isn't so scary once you take it. Do you already act or not yet? Try it or not? Far too often we choose not to at least try something. The fear of failure is huge.

What's your biggest nightmare?

Why not work on what your nightmare is first? Is it going south with a new business idea? To receive no more unemployment benefits? Temporarily accepting a job you never intended to do just to keep yourself financially afloat. Musician Andy Lee Lang last year considered working as a chauffeur until he could perform as a celebrated musician again. In the field of care, as harvest helpers, as chauffeurs, workers are urgently needed. Fortunately, my customers are doing so well that they are currently looking for competent new employees, for example in accounting. They still exist now, level-headed, far-sighted company bosses who are now looking for new employees.

Perhaps you have wanted to do something else professionally for some time.

If you are currently unemployed or an entrepreneur, in an industry that is not recovering so quickly for a long time. What have you been wanting to tackle for a long time and just haven't dared to do it yet? What could help you now to take the plunge in at the deep end?

Maybe NOW is the best time to take your next step in your career and earn more money!


Take a few minutes, write down everything that comes to your mind regarding the following questions – and leave it without correcting it. The longer you write, the better.


1. Describe the worst that could happen if you do what you have always dreamed of doing?

?2. How bad would the lasting effect be on your life?

?? Would limitations in your life really be permanent or just 1, 2, 3 or 5 years?

?? What is that in relation to, for example, an 82-year life (current life expectancy) and in relation to an average working life of 37 years?

?3. How likely do you think such a nightmare will actually happen?

?4. What could you do to avert or compensate for the damage? What steps could you take to put everything back on a more positive track? It's often easier than you think. What could you do to get your life back under control?


5. What short-term and long-term results could you achieve if the worst-case scenario doesn't happen now? What good results could this have for you? By increasing your self-confidence, becoming more confident and courageous? How would that affect your life?


6. What are the chances that you will get at least one passable score on a scale of 1 to 10? Think about what other - less smart - people have already done before you.


7. If you just lost your job, or as a self-employed person you have no income. What could you do to get your finances back under control?


? How quickly could you get an overview of your fixed costs?

? What could you temporarily do without?

? Do you really need various subscriptions to streaming services?

? Even many small amounts add up over the year.


8. If you do another job for 1-2 years now, could you go back to your original career if need be?


9. What do you keep putting off that needs to be done the most right now? Which email? Which phone call? Think of the best answer and the worst. Do it anyway, and in the second case, if it really happens, take the next step.


10. Practice it: Every day, preferably first thing in the morning, do something that makes you uncomfortable.


11. What are the costs of not acting?

? What does it mean for your nerves, your health if everything stays the way it is now?

? What will it cost you, over the next 2-5 years, if you do nothing, what if you have moderate, great or even amazing success?

Write down what it costs you NOT TO START NOW:


? What income could you make that you would lose as a result of doing nothing? What knowledge might be helpful?


? How can you acquire this knowledge, for example in free webinars?


? Who could support you?


? How can you find like-minded people or buddies who would also like to uplevel now?


? How much does it cost you to hire an expert, e.g. a coach?


? How much faster could you reach your goal?



2. What else do you need now to get started?


Your inner attitude is YOUR KEY SUCCESS FACTOR.



You can work on that: After the crisis in 2008, I interviewed countless company bosses and executives for my book to identify their success pattern, how they managed to get through everything:







Share this article with anyone who needs courage right now.


There are 3 spots for 1:1 Coaching in August.

Send me a DM with CONFIDENCE if this is for you!



Claudia Nuss is an author, executive coach and keynote speaker. As a strategist and mental trainer, Nuss helps executives achieve personal bests, leading to excellent results up to the corporate level. ?

After more than 15 years in management positions in the field of strategic corporate management, she founded her own company in 2011.

?She studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and completed a semester abroad at the University of California in Berkeley.


?Funded?by the Vienna Business Agency. A fund of the City of Vienna.

Andreas Gsch?pf

Get ready, explore and utilise your potential economic sustainability value by contributing and transforming to overcoming environmental and social challenges in an economic context

2 年

Interesting! What is your hypothesis about paralyse? How can I imagine I am in? Best Andreas



