How Much Does A Dream Cost Pt 2. Visualization
Now that we have established that we want to colonize Mars . We have to begin working on our physical fitness and health. Astronauts are fit and have good lung capacity. So the mission to Mars requires us to quit bad habits like smoking . We might also have to cut down on the occasional drinking .?
So what are the costs of realizing this dream . We would have to subscribe to a gym membership and preferably get a personal trainer . We would also need to subscribe to meal plan according to the NASA program.
We are well aware that the mission is for 1 million volunteers. So we would need to submit our interests immediately.?
We would then preferably need to go annually or semi annually to meetings held for Mars or preferably relocating to the area of mission .?We add all these costs up and put them in our budget . We now have the total cost of the dream. We are now building towards a dream . A dream with a price tag. Once we establish the price tag the dream is clear and we are moving forward. We are now building momentum. Momentum equals force , force equals energy. Energy equals results.
If you believe, or do something long enough you then become the very thing you were doing.?A body builder is always in the gym he or she eventually becomes the gym.?
If you always sit at a pub with drunks eventually you will become a drunk. If you hang around junkies eventually you will become a junky. If you hang around millionaires all the time eventually you will become a millionaire.?These are the basic laws of attraction and character. Character is not born but is created .
In the previous blog we talked about establishing a KFC Franchise . Laws of energy dictate?we keep repeating the same process until to comes to fruition.?Sometime it might even mean coming up with your own recipe unique to the secret recipe.?
You're recipe might be unique to the Secret Recipe. It might even better than it ! Who knows ? If you don't try you failed regardless. Not trying in essence is failing . How can you know the results if haven't tried??
If further research and visualization dictates you become the energy you put out, be that energy!?If you're energy tells you to have meetings, take dates in the very thing you want to end up?then do it.?
Energy in essence is a repeat exercise. You have to keep on?practicing and visualizing the desired output. The more you do it . The more the results start show or start to change towards building that very large goal you want to achieve.?
The more FASA meetings you attend the closer and closer you get to achieving the dream. BE THAT ENERGY!