How much does a Dream Cost Part 1
#PositiveEnergy #BusinessDream #DreamFinance #BusinessTalk #BusinessAdvisory #BusinessGoals #BusinessGPS #BusinessManifestation #BusinessSamaritan #FinancialSamaritan
Your idea begins in the mind. You first dream about it then you want to bring the dream to manifestation. ?The sad truth we actually don’t cost our dreams. By not costing the dream we don’t have set financial goals. Not having set financial goals, how then do we achieve this dream? When we write or type something down it is then set in stone versus thinking and keeping it in our minds.?Memory works better if we can retrieve the information. We first need to identify the dream and then we jot it down.
Why do we write goals? So that we have a sense of direction of how we want to achieve it and so that we can remember the path we are navigating through. Reading the goals on daily or weekly basis is just but a reminder of what we must do to get to the next point. Muscle memory works better if we keep seeing the same thing over and over again. This is why there’s television commercials and YouTube ads. Coca Cola doesn’t have to advertise but it does to remind you. ?
What if we take that same energy that marketing companies use and apply it to our daily, weekly goals ? What if we actually took ourselves seriously and start writing the dream down? ?There’s power in words. So we have covered the first step in actually writing down the dream. The second step is to cost the dream. Costing or numbers are what people actually always run from. We should then sit down with ourselves and began to cost the dream.?Maybe the dream is to be a business owner ? Maybe it’s to go to Mars? However it is, if it’s not a fictional dream (a tad unrealistic) but attainable we would then have to cost it.
Business Dream : He /She wants to own a KFC Franchise+ Fast Car + Mansion + Go On Holiday.?The dream is there but people tend to run from the cost of the dream. Why do people run from the cost? Because the dream seems to be too big. We need to eat the elephant , one piece at a time.?Yes we are well aware that the average Fast Food Franchise can round up to R11 million. But doesn’t mean it is unachievable. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. Break the R11 million down . First we would have to identify opportunities that would lead us to R1 million. Once we achieve the 1st million we can then put to test the next ten. We are well aware that sometimes things don’t happen overnight, sometimes dreams can take slightly longer than expected .?Sometimes it can take 3 to 5 years, or even a decade.
Here’s the magic about writing/typing down if we continue to repeat these phrases it eventually comes to fruition. This is the law of attraction. You will notice the law of attraction begins to work when you least expect it. ?Because you kept repeating these words (You Asked) , You kept believing (You Received). Suddenly opportunities that will lead you to the R11 million dream began to open themselves to you.
Sometimes you don’t need the full R11 million, sometimes its meeting the right people, at the right time, at the right place. They might not give you the amount but might lead you to opportunities that will lead you to where you’re going. Sometimes it’s simply attending FASA meetings that will make you realize that the franchise dream is really not as difficult to attain.
But first we need to know how much does the dream cost. Yes we want R11 million but let’s start with the mini costs first. The mini costs are equally as great as the large costs.
It will cost us decent and presentable clothing to be in the environment. It will cost us fuel to get to those meetings, It will cost us a cup of coffee or some breakfast. It will cost us time lost from other activities – opportunity costs that we are willing to give up to seek other opportunities. ?Time is actually a large cost because we have limited and uncertain period here on this earth. Business and Investments is in essence a Time Game.
In the world of capitalism financial freedom = time, time = opportunity cost. In order to unlock opportunity cost we need mini costs. We also need mini goals and mini tricks to set us free to get to the gargantuan goal. ?The Gargantuan goal is the elephant. ?Why did I address the Franchise first? Because the Franchise will lead to an inflow economic benefits and resources that will bring in the Financial Freedom / and Or additional Investments to unlock the dream of buying the fast car and the mansion. ?
Time Game , here’s the secret about the time , the more energy you put into something the quicker?or more the energy is likely to reflect in reality. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you end up with it? There’s no such thing as coincidence, you drew your energy towards it. We live in a world of energy.