How much do you value yourself?
Marion Nixon
I help business women ready to do more, ditch the doubt and emotional baggage that sabotage achievement and build deep inner confidence so they can achieve their biggest goals without feeling like an imposter.
Welcome to the Rewire Your Thinking newsletter. The name reflects the basis of my coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques which does physically rewire your brain! (And there's research to prove it!)
The biggest obstacle to achieving your big impossible dream is lack of confidence in yourself. Self-worth is a key element of confidence. If you don't believe in your own self-worth, it will be hard to develop self-confidence. This weeks article will help you assess how you value yourself.
How much do you value yourself?
Last week I wrote that self-worth, relationships, and capability are the core of confidence and strengthening them increases your confidence.
Self-worth is a big issue. Your sense of self-worth starts developing in childhood through validation and encouragement but if you had lots of criticism and/or not enough emotional support, you’ve probably struggled to develop a strong sense of self-worth.
Think about:
Clearing your negative beliefs about your self-worth can increase your self-belief and you’ll become more aware of your positive traits, skills, creativity, energy, and untapped potential.
DM me if you want to know how to up your self-worth and download my ebook Turn your Inner Critic into a Supportive Fan so it actually helps you achieve your goals.
What one kind thing can you do for yourself today?
About Marion Nixon
When clients work with me, they don’t just see results, they experience transformation. They shift from uncertainty to clarity, self-doubt to confidence, and overwhelm to purposeful direction. I don’t just coach—I encourage and equip you to become the best version of yourself.
My life-long desire to enable women to live to their full potential has led me on a journey of self-discovery, overcoming self-doubt and a host of limiting beliefs resulting from Childhood Emotional Neglect. Being retrenched from what was supposed to be my dream job but had turned into a stifling dead-end, nudged me into fulfilling my real dream of helping women live their best lives.
To my own experience and training in personal transformation work I have added the knowledge and wisdom of twenty plus years in complementary health. This has given me a deep understanding of the link between your body and mind in creating and living Your life Your way.
Contact me when you're ready to ditch doubt and limiting thinking to create the life you want!
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