How much do you think the internet and communication devices have changed the world?
Yes, that is the provocation I bring today: how much do you think the internet and communication devices have changed the world? This was the reflection I proposed to the students of the postgraduate course in maintenance management at PUCPR, last week.
The answers were varied, and I bring this provocation here today. If I asked you this question, what would your answer be? The internet and communication devices have transformed the world in a profound and comprehensive way, changing almost every part of modern life. And it is a path of no return, full of pros – more pros than cons.
Do you know what happens on the internet in 60 seconds? Well, here are current data:
·?????? Emails sent: around 200 million emails are sent;
·?????? Facebook: about 1 million logins are registered;
·?????? Instagram: about 65,000 photos and videos are shared;
·?????? TikTok: around 5,000 downloads of the app occur;
·?????? YouTube views: over 4 million videos are watched;
·?????? Google: about 5.7 million searches worldwide - that's about 95,000 searches per second .
A universe of things happens in 60 seconds on the internet. Plus, news broadcasts, online sales, classes attended, meetings held and thousands of other possibilities.
Next week I want to bring you another reflection with everything to do with this discussion: the impact of IoT and IIoT on the world.
So, how much do you think the internet and communication devices have changed the world? Leave a comment and see you next week!
This is such an interesting question! The impact of the internet and our devices is truly profound. It would be great to hear some of the students' insights on this topic. What were their biggest takeaways?