How much do you need to be happy?
Kristin M. MacRae
Award-Winning Organizing & Efficiency Expert | Speaker | Columnist Coastal Breeze News | Author of Living an Organized Energized Life! Available on Amazon
Does your home make you feel happy? It’s a pretty easy question, right? Does living in disorganization and chaos make you happy? If you are starting to feel like you’re making your life more complicated, trust that feeling. The more you hold on to physically and mentally, the more complicated your life becomes. Have you hit a breaking point? Have you realized that enough is enough and you need to make a change?
Being disorganized will soon become a problem in the home. When there aren’t any systems to contain everything, it becomes a chaotic, stressful, and overwhelming environment. I’m not just talking about sentimental items here. Too much stuff also means unopened piles of mail, magazines collecting dust, the random things sitting in your closets that you forgot you had and piles of clothes in the closet that haven’t been worn in years.
Then you have items in your home that have meaning and are special to you, but after a while, the really important things that mean something to you will mesh with the unimportant things. When you walk into your home, it ultimately all blends in together.
How does your home make you feel??Grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions. Jot down any thoughts that come to mind when answering these questions. Clearing the mental clutter and putting things on paper will help you through this process.
You know you're struggling with being disorganized, but it’s so overwhelming to tackle the project and you just don’t know where to begin. You also have to be ready to make the commitment to change and you have to be ready.
Are you ready to get organized? You will definitely hit a breaking point and you’ll wake up one day and say, “I’m ready.”
I hope this article will make you think about how disorganization is affecting all areas of your life. Getting organized will make your life easier and allow you to become more efficient and productive. You'll have less stress, more money in your pocket, and more time to spend on things you enjoy doing!
Need some assistance breaking it all down? Schedule a free 15-minute phone call with me!