How Much Do You Know About What Your Kids Are Doing on Social Media?

How Much Do You Know About What Your Kids Are Doing on Social Media?

Have you talk to your kids about what is an inappropriate post to you? Do you know all your kids IG accounts? Do you Follow them on Snapchat? Do you know what a “Snapstreak” is? Do you really know what your kids have access to?

Most parents tell me they are not sure or they don't know how, so now I ask you, who is control of what your kids are sharing or watching? These platforms are silent and dangerous, and not learning more about them can have negative consequences in your reputation and your kids .

During my presentation I help parents understand what to look for and key topics to discuss with their children about the effects of different types of posts. Revealing, threatening, inappropriate content stays up even after a Snapchat w is shown. Communication is your best friends in order to know what is going on on their digital devices. Teaching them limitations and consequences of their content will help control some of the privacy and safety of your family.

In addition, there are many tools available for the parents to gain control back as to what is available to their kids online. You may choose various rating controls for the content your child will see on their devices. You can turn off Explicit music, you can set movie ratings, set TV show ratings, set a filter on the types of apps. Are you taking advantage of what is available to you as the parent?

It seems like every day there's another story about kids sexting, cyberbullying, or suffering from acute FOMO (fear of missing out). Yes, the risks of social media are real. There are good and bad aspects to the madness of the new digital era, so be aware and participate in this process. You are part of it and your kids are the number one target.

I also discussed during my presentations the Florida Cyber Harassment Statute and some of its details. Just because social media is available to "Vent and Post" does not mean there would be no consequences if you post the wrong message.

Be aware and be proactive, and most importantly be mindful of what you post!

For additional information or a presentation at your school or business please send me an email at [email protected].


