How Much Do We Really Understand?
The teacher was explaining something to the class one day. After she finished explaining it she asked if anyone had any questions or does everyone understand? No one asked any questions. So you all get this...yes? No one responded.
She then asked one student to come up and explain to the class what she had just explained to them, he didn't know. She then went to each student and asked if they could come up and explain what she had just talked to them about...Not one student in the whole class was able to explain it.
She then asked the class this question...Do you want to sound dumb for 5 minutes because you don't understand something or be dumb for the rest of your life and pretend you understand everything?
Isn't that what many of us do in life? At the risk of sounding dumb by asking questions about something we don't understand we go through life not knowing anything. Ask as many questions as it takes for you to understand what it is you need to understand and don't worry about what the other people think. Sometimes you may understand it completely but ask questions anyway because there could be someone in the glass to afraid to ask. They're just happy someone had the nerve to ask so it could be explained to them in a way they could understand it too. They may come to you later and thank you for asking that question. Be that person that's isn't afraid to ask.