How Much Do Marketers Make? Marketing Salaries Explored
How much money do you think a CMO makes on average?

How Much Do Marketers Make? Marketing Salaries Explored

Have you ever stopped to wonder how much marketers make, or anything to do with marketing salaries?

If you have, then know that you aren’t alone. We think about marketing salaries quite a fair bit at Canny – mostly because the majority of our clients come from that particular area, and we spend a lot of time writing about/for marketers, generally.

It’s sort of our job to understand anything and everything marketing, basically – which includes how much they make.

Why you want to look into how much a marketer makes should differ in comparison. For example, you might be considering a career move, or are looking to head within a completely different direction, just under the same marketing umbrella.

Or maybe you’re someone who’s yet to make a concrete decision as to what you want to do career-wise, but want to make sure that it’s the right choice financially.

Or maybe you’re just the curious type and want to know what your friends/family are making where they won’t tell you.

Whatever the reason, you’ll find everything you need and more down below.

In this post we will be outlining the marketing salaries for every notable role within the wide-world of marketing. This will cover everything from the average salaries of most marketing assistants, all the way up to how much a CMO typically makes.

Let’s not waste anymore time and dive right in.

Payscale,?Indeed,?Glassdoor, and a variety of other sources?were used to gather the marketing salaries mentioned – sources that are beyond consistent when gathering this type of data.

Marketing Intern Salaries

Average Pay:?£19,000 (UK), $45,000 (US)

Job Level:?Entry

In case you haven’t guessed, we are going to be starting at the lowest marketing level possible and then working our way up to CMO salaries.

It should come as no surprise that marketing interns earn the lowest out of all other marketing-based roles. This is an entry level position, one that teaches you the fundamentals while preparing you for bigger and better things.

A majority of marketers find themselves in this exact position before moving up the marketing ladder.

In terms of pay, marketing interns tend to make a decent chunk, with most making around?£19,000?if you’re from the UK, or upwards of?$45,000?if you’re in America. We should mention that every marketing salary mentioned after this point will be with those two countries in mind.

Sorry to the rest of the world.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these salaries will increase/decrease depending on where in these countries you find yourself. The further south you travel in the UK, the higher the salary.

We’ve seen some marketing intern positions give up to?£24,000?annually, which is quite the jump from the previous figure.

Marketing Assistant Salaries

Average Pay:?£19,000 (UK), $45,000 (US)

Job Level:?Entry

Marketing assistants and marketing interns are quite similar to one another when it comes to roles, responsibilities, and pay. Responsibilities-wise, marketing assistants usually perform the data collection and analysis used in market research.

They might also take care of?writing copy for social media posts?and keeping tabs on how the brand is doing across its many social channels.

The only real difference between the two roles is that marketing assistants tend to be on a much tighter contract – although, this will...


This snippet is but a tip of the marketing salaries iceberg. To read more, check out the full post 'How Much Do Marketers Make? Marketing Salaries Explored' over on the Canny site.


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