How much detail can you get from a drone inspection?
When operator says "High – Resolution” what does that actually mean?
Resolution is essentially how clear a photograph can be seen. A photograph is made up of thousands of pixels each being a coloured “dot”. The more dots or “pixels” within an area the clearer an image will be. This means more detail can be seen when zooming in on the image.
For instance, Hoverscape’s drone inspection cameras are capable of capturing photographs that are 5280 pixels high by 3956 pixels wide. This provides a photograph that has 20,800,000 pixels (Or 20.8MP)
To put it in perspective smaller point and shoot cameras are usually around 12MP with smaller camera sensors which means that they capture less light and the image can be “noisy” in certain lighting conditions.
Effectively a high-resolution image is one that captures less area of your asset in a single photograph. Meaning one pixel is equivalent to a smaller distance
But what does this have to do with asset inspections?
The time and method to capture your asset by drone largely on the resolution you require or the size of potential defects you’re looking for.
For example, if you took a photograph of a length of that was 20 meters long then the length of the roof would be equivalent to 5280 pixels. This means that one pixel in that photograph would be equal to 37mm.
By using our powerful zooms or by flying closer you could capture a small area of your roof. If you only captured a 5m of that length of (The photograph is still 5280 pixels wide) you would have a pixel that is equivalent to only 9mm.
Hoverscape can capture resolutions down to 1mm per pixel.
How will different resolutions affect my asset inspection?
The greater the resolution required means the more time our technicians need to spend onsite to allow for the additional photographs to cover your entire asset.
Hoverscape does provide dedicated inspection portals that effectively merge all images into easy to navigate 3d models. This allows you to zoom into areas of concern and annotate defects that you can share instantly with colleagues or contractors.
To learn more you can download my Expert guide to Asset Inspection by drone: In this guide, I explain the benefits of drone asset inspections, It gives you the knowledge you need to inspect your assets with safety, quality and efficiency.
The guide includes:
- Top 10 benefits of drone asset inspections
- Will it work for me? Ideal types of assets
- How does it work?
- Rules and regulations
- Insider tips for a successful project
Any other information you need please feel free to let me know, be sure to make time to help with your questions and ideas.
Derek Feebrey
CEO | Hoverscape