How much should "common sense"? cost?
Original Photo Credit: Valentin Salja.

How much should "common sense" cost?

"What exactly is common sense?", Is there a universal list of things regarded as common sense?.

At exactly 1hour 16 minutes and 30 seconds into a recent live stream with pro members of the futur on the futur's youtube channel,there was a comment from the live audience about "how annoying it is that people want to pay for "common sense".

Watch the full video here

The word "common sense" is always tossed around a lot. I grew up hearing people say to me "use your common sense!!" especially when I seemed not to get what it was so obvious to them.

Common sense is defined literarily as; sound practical judgment, which I think should be termed a misnomer based on its usage.The ability to make sound and practical judgment isn't what anybody is born with. You don't just wake up on a bright morning and begin to make sound and practical judgments. Truth is when growing up, the only way we got "common sense" was by listening to someone else who had more "common sense" than you we did. It would be safe to call them "experts" based on Chris Do's definition; they knew more than we did and could solve problems by making sound practical judgments.

Learning is the only way anyone knows anything. One question to ponder on is; How does one learn anything and make sound practical judgments, in essence, have "common sense", without incurring any cost? I think it costs a whole lot to acquire "common sense"; The amount of time spent gathering the experience and insights to drive sound practical judgments, the fees paid for degree programs, the failures encountered during these phases and various costs incurred subjective to individuals that provide "common sense" to solve any kind of problem people have in the world today.

I think it would be safe to allow these individuals to put a price on their "common sense" because in objectivity, the value of the solutions they provide with their "common sense" differentiates a snake-oil salesman from an expert.

The future belongs to those who find and identify patterns, creating meaning to solve problems for others and simplifying it so well that it becomes "common sense". 

Hope this helps. Share your thoughts and feedback.

Cheers, Isaac Amos.

Isaac Amos is a brand strategist and identity systems designer passionate about developing strategies and identity systems to provide actionable solutions that create value and foster growth. You can reach him on Instagram @theisaacamos, on LinkedIn as Isaac Amos and via email at [email protected]

#commonsense #learning #theisaacamos #personaldevelopment #futur #thefuturishere #sparklingclean #chrisdoed.


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