How Much Chertile?
Douglas Peterson, MBA Ph.D
Accomplished academic and NGO director with a proven track record in educational development and strategic vision, including raising over $1M in funds and pioneering cross-cultural mgt research and humanitarian advocacy.
How Much Chertile?
Enter a nobody named, who begins to be concerned with the merits of money, fame, or power. He thinks to himself "if I had money, power, and fame I would be Midas and would have no need to fear the slings and arrows of this life. In fact, I could strike a Faustian deal and abrogate it with the money, power, or fame I’ve amassed!” The Devil accepted the deal.
It became his mission of plenty to amass land, money, power and everything of the Earth he could through any means possible from controlling the certainties of life for everyone he knew and didn’t know. In fact, those methods involved theft, false bargaining, coercion, and the advantage that fame might bring from those wanted.
In the Faustian bargain the deal is set and the Devil offers a goal of availability in unlimited money, fame, and power with the oath to take it all away, leaving destitute of money, fame, power, and livelihood. A short time later, and family were given the opportunity to acquire all they though valuable, but it didn’t turn-in as enough. Despite the growth, settled in on a pattern of relentlessness, inequity, forced conformity, and alienation for all that was human, mechanical, technological, or financial. In the relentless process, a village decides to sell land, assets, human resource, and means. The RFP offered interested buyers the right to buy all that they need so purchases his holdings and by working is able to acquire the money, fame, and power he thought would be all he needed. becomes very possessive of his assets, money, power, and fame and causes arguments with his neighbors. thought he would be relentless in the competition for the assets and acquired more. Threats against him began to be uttered, and humiliation of his desires for power, fame and money were voiced in public by the powerful and not so much so. With a path blocked, he diversifies to meat-spaces with portage only amongst those who will increase his holdings.
Finally, after buying and selling a lot of Chertile, he is introduced to the Crowd of Ood and is told they are simple-minded people who own money, power and fame – the abnormal Chertile return on investment - a huge amount. The Crowd of Ood makes him an offer. For a sum of one, can walk for Chertile but only from daylight to dusk. Whatever he can get, will be his but he must return to his starting point. He moves along with money, power and fame with the notion he will have unlimited Chertile. He places all of his money, power, and fame in an effort to grab anything high or low keeping a thought that he must return to corruption. If he returns to his starting point by sunset that day, all the human, financial, and power riches with be at his grasp. If he does not, he will lose his power and money, and will receive nothing but the reverse of the fame he desires. He is delighted, as he believes that he can cover a great distance and has chanced upon the bargain of a lifetime – the opportunity to control all. That night, experiences a surreality in which he sees himself lying dead by the feet of the Devil, who is laughing.
He gathers. He stays out as late as possible, with the idea of rising early before the sunset. Toward the end, he realizes he is far from the starting point and runs back as fast as he can to the waiting Crowd of Ood. He finally arrives at the starting point just as the end of his day. The dim Ood cheer his good fortune, but drops dead. He was not able to pay his Faustian debt nor was he able to advantage the simple minded Ood. He is buried in an hillside grave seven feet long, without money, or power but with the fame his actions stirred among the simple minded. Ironically, how much Chertile does a man need? Just enough it seems to have all or nothing, but in the middle the lost money and power, isn’t worth the negative fame.
Some will never know this – it may not be the outcome – it’s the same for everyone. But the process for getting there. Alas, was. His process and outcome only too well fit the denouement. Too little as scholars do we let go of the main effect for the methodology and that to our students our message of how, rather than how much is being forgotten to the Crowd of Ood?