How much can finned tube increase the heat exchange efficiency
Sunny- Fin Tube and Heat Exchanger Manufacturer-Datang
Sales Manager
How much can finned tube increase the heat exchange efficiency
Finned tube is generally a device to convert heat energy and increase the area of heat energy, and we use a lot of equipment in our life to realize a low-carbon life. The basic parts of finned tube heat exchanger.
Most of the heat exchange between hot and cold fluids passes through the finned heat pipe, and a small portion passes directly through the baffle. In normal design, the finned tube heat transfer area is about 67%-88% of the total heat transfer area of the heat exchanger.
The finned tube finned tubes are well connected to the baffle, so most of the heat is transferred to the finned tubes, which pass through the baffle to the cold fluid.
The heat transfer from the finned tube is not as direct as the baffle, so the finned heat sink tube has a secondary surface. Secondary heat transfer surfaces are generally less efficient than primary heat transfer surfaces.
If these basic finned tubes are not corrugated in a simple flat plate heat exchanger. Finned heat pipes reduce the volume of the heat exchanger by more than 18% compared to heat pipes without fins. The weight of a finned heat pipe designed to be 70% less efficient can be reduced by 10%.
In addition to the main heat transfer task, the finned heat pipe also acts as a reinforcement between the two partitions.
The material of the finned heat pipe and baffle is thin, but it forms a unit of high strength that can withstand high pressure.
The finned heat pipe has high anti-corrosion performance in use, and the use of finned heat pipe presents environmental advantages in the normal use of our items, adding many additional functions, improving the use of the original facilities, and making the way of use in our life more convenient.
Abrasion resistance is also a remarkable feature to realize finned cooling tubes. When assembling the parts, the abrasion resistance of finned tubes always contributes to the durability of the equipment, and the necessary devices have no volatility in use, and the finned cooling tubes improve the real identification of the equipment, which has more practical advantages under the environmental protection.
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