How to move from worry and panic into solution mode
Venessa Cuthbert LION
Choosing to live an abundant life. Teaching others to do the same by helping change the paradigm and the programming we live by, the stories we tell ourselves and the illusions we create as a result. One of a kind.
Firstly assess what you can do about it right now.
If you can't do anything about it right now, diarise it for when you can.
The things I learned from going belly up, losing my business and my properties about 10 years ago from Dale Carnegie's "How to stop worrying and start living":
1. Is it happening today? If not, it might not even happen. Can I do something about it today? If not, when can I and what will I do about it. Write it down.
2. Get into action. The biggest mistake we make is sitting and pondering the situation and how dour it is and feeling sorry for ourselves.
3. Sit down and write out your options if what you expect to happen does happen. It might only happen a week or month away, but by then you will have already prepared a plan of action.
4. Consider what is the worst thing that can happen if what you anticipate comes to pass and consider the consequences. Once you have dealt with the worst case scenario in your head, your brain will automatically kick into solution mode - you are built that way.
5. Learn to live only for today and deal only with what you can do today. Imagine that you are on a sinking submarine - you close the water tight chamber door behind you as you go onto the next chamber. In front of you is the next water tight door which you can only open once the air (or on this case, light of day) has left the room. Repeat the process.
6. When all the worry begins to sneak in again go and read your master plan you have made to deal with this and again get into action.
7. When the "what ifs" sneak back - remind yourself that you already have a game plan which you will refer to if that situation arises.