#1 - How to motivate yourself even when you don't feel like it!
Dr. Melissa Tranquille
Director | Working with university students and higher education institutions to meet their education and academic needs
Do you have days when you awake and you just don't feel like getting anything done?
Are there moments when you're at your peak and then boom, something happens and you lose all your motivation and drive?
I think that I can safely say that we have all experienced those days at some point in our lives. However, the problem is this. Such days can derail our progress and prevent us from achieving our desired success.
So, my question today is this.
How do you motivate yourself even when you don’t feel like it?
The responses below are drawn from my personal experience.
1. Make a choice to do what needs to get done
When you feel de-motivated or at your lowest for some reason, the last thing that you want to do is to make any decisions.?
Actually, you just want to watch television and eat your comfort food. Your mind tells you, this is how you would feel better. However, what you need to do, is to make a decision. You need to decide whether you are going to do what needs to get done or give into your emotions. The choice before you is simple: To-Do or Not To-Do? One way you can make your choice, is by partitioning your mind. You do this by blocking out the present problem, once there is no immediate solution for it and choose to focus on the tasks before you.
2. Consider your big WHY
What is your BIG WHY? Today, as I looked at my To-Do list, I reminded myself of my main reason for doing what I do. It is to change lives! I wouldn’t be able to impact anyone’s life, if I didn’t write the blog. I wouldn’t be able to impact anyone’s life, if I didn’t prepare the awesome audio training. I thought about how I would feel at the end of the day, if I chose to have comfort food instead of working. To be honest, I wouldn’t feel comforted at all.
3. Focus on the results
You can re-kindle your motivation when you focus on the results that you want to get. I knew that if I was able to tick off those items on my list, then I would feel some sort of accomplishment and satisfaction. By focusing on the results, you automatically ignore the de-motivated feelings. It then puts you in the right frame of mind to tackle Task 1.
4. Choose a Task to complete that would bring you great satisfaction
I would highly suggest that if you want to motivate yourself, even when you don’t feel like it, to pay attention to this suggestion. After going through step 1 to 3, consider all your tasks or activities before you.?Select an important task, that would bring you a great sense of satisfaction when completed. This is because, the completion of that important item, will stir a great sense of accomplishment. You will feel your motivation spike again and before you know it, you’ve forgotten about the problem or issue. You’re now focused on the tasks at hand!
Remember that de-motivation is just an emotional state that was triggered by an event or action. Use your will power to make the decision to choose to ignore the negative feelings and focus on what needs to get done. If your problem is one in which you can find an immediate solution, then that’s great. But, if it requires additional time before it is remedied, then lay it down till the appointed time and follow the above steps to keep on moving. Practice self-talk and remind yourself of your big WHY. This will renew your motivation to carry on.
By the way, feel free to download the FIRST Two Chapters of my soon-to-be-released book - UNCRUSHED! A Simple 3 Step Process to break a Negative Mindset and Achieve Total Success in Life.?I draw from my experience of child abuse, past life experiences and wealth of knowledge in personal development, to take the reader on a journey to become Uncrushable and achieve any goal!?Just click the link below.