How is more stress good?
David Gilks
I use neuroscience and ancient wisdom to help individuals discover the one thing that will change everything.
Our modern culture has adopted the notion that stress, perhaps all stress, is bad for us. It is true that some forms of stress are bad for us, but it is important to define the two main categories of stress. Firstly, there is acute stress, which is stress that can rapidly occur but then dissipates quickly. This form of stress can actually be healthy as it can prompt us into action, protecting us from danger or motivating us to take on a personal challenge that is in front of us.?
Chronic stress is something completely different, as it can be likened to rust on a vehicle. It is chronic wear and tear on all of our body's systems over extended periods of time. One of the big issues with chronic stress is that our body is in a perpetual state of "fight or flight" and we never get into "rest and repair".?Our sleep is impaired, our digestion is impaired, and our immune system is?weakened, due mainly to the negative thoughts in our minds.
Imagine that in your mind right now there are hundreds of unresolved challenges, haunting memories, of more challenging times in your life. Each of these stories individually is responsible for?generating its own level of chronic stress in your body, dripping its negative effect into your body year after year. How long can we do without proper sleep, digestion, and strong immunity...and how long has it been going on??The answer is too long and not for long!
We were not designed to live this way I think we can all agree, but where to from here? How do we stop our minds from polluting our bodies with toxic thoughts and emotions? The answer is simple but not necessarily easy, and the answer is to choose a path and stay on it. This is where we encounter positive stress, stress that comes from being courageous and learning how to take back control over your life, by learning how to control and influence your mind. I will leave you with this one question, a question that is necessary for you to answer so that you have a direction for your journey forward... "Who do you need to become to have the life you most desire"???
“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”?Rumi
To learn how you can harness the power of positive stress click on the link to book your discovery call with David!