How To Be More Productive During Real Estate Networking Events

How To Be More Productive During Real Estate Networking Events

Networking is a great way to increase your real estate business, but it can also be challenging.

You have to speak with people you don’t know and build rapport quickly.

This can be intimidating for many people in real estate, especially if they haven’t done much networking in the past. However, if you follow these simple tips on how to be more productive during real estate networking events (and follow them every time!), you’ll find yourself improving at this valuable skill.

Arrive early.

Arrive early. If you are trying to meet and connect with as many people as possible during the event, it makes sense to arrive early. You can get a good seat, meet more people and have time to chat with them before the room fills up. Arriving early also gives you an opportunity to get a feel for how well-organized or poorly organized the event is. You can see how many attendees are in attendance and if they seem like they will be friendly or unfriendly towards salespeople like yourself.

Properly introduce yourself.

When you arrive at a networking event, ensure that you properly introduce yourself to everyone in the room. One of the most important things for you to do when meeting someone new is to introduce yourself with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact during the introduction. This can be challenging for some people as they may feel self-conscious about their appearance or feel nervous when meeting new people, but it’s an essential part of building trust with potential business partners and clients.

When meeting someone for the first time, it’s important to use their name when greeting them so they will remember it later on: “It’s great to meet you [name]; what brings you here today?” A smile goes a long way toward making others feel comfortable around us; don’t forget that!

Think of a few things you can talk about.

When you walk in, think of a few things you can talk about. This can be a brief overview of your business or even just the latest project you have been working on. What are the things that get you excited and passionate? It could be your team or a recent success story. Think of what’s most interesting at this moment in time and share it with others.

Your goal throughout the event should be to get out there as much as possible and meet new people, not necessarily to make new business connections but more so as part of an effort towards networking expansion. If someone asks what do I do? You should be able to answer that question quickly without going into too many details about your company (unless someone asks).

Use storytelling to stand out.

You’ve probably heard the advice to stand out by telling stories. Stories can be a real boost for your career in real estate, but you need to stay focused and use the right stories at the right time.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make people laugh, then this is it! Use your best joke whenever you get nervous or start feeling disconnected from your audience. This will help bring everyone back into the moment again and remind them of what they love about working with you.

When it comes time for someone new or unfamiliar with your business portfolio to buy a home, it’s important that they understand what sets you apart from other agents in town. The best way is through storytelling: using stories as examples of how hard work paid off (or didn’t) when trying something new before moving on through those same struggles again later on down road…

Follow up with people who I met at the event.

One of the best ways to make yourself known at an event is to follow up with people you meet. This can be done by email, phone or text. You also need to keep your networking activity going after the event has ended by linking up with local groups and associations (these are usually listed on the association’s website).

Try some of these tips:

  • Call someone who was particularly helpful or friendly at the event and ask them for advice on a topic related to real estate. This will serve two purposes: you’ll get helpful information and they’ll be flattered that you reached out.
  • Ask someone in whom you’ve developed an interest if they’d like to connect with another person involved in real estate (or whatever industry). For example, if I met someone whose company sells construction tools like nail guns, I would send an email asking them if this person could introduce me via LinkedIn or Facebook so we could discuss how my products might fit into their product line-up as well as how my company might benefit from working with this particular distributor/retailer/etc..
  • Send a thank you note post-event (this could even include photos from social media).

You don’t have to be awkward when meeting people at networking events

You don’t have to be awkward when meeting people at networking events. Here are a few tips that will help you feel less nervous and more relaxed:

  • Prepare yourself beforehand. If you know what you’re going to say, it will make the interaction easier. Even if it’s just a few sentences, having something ready will lower your anxiety level and make it easier for you to get into the conversation.
  • Be friendly and welcoming! When people meet a stranger who is friendly and welcoming, they usually reciprocate those feelings back towards them (unless they’re not actually being friendly). So act as if every person in that room was already your friend! The more open-mindedly interested in others as individuals, the better off everyone will be over time—and even one small interaction could lead to something much bigger down the road…

Be yourself. Don’t try to be someone else or pretend you’re too cool for school. You will feel much more comfortable if you are being genuine, so just relax and be yourself! If someone asks you a question, answer it honestly rather than trying to make something up.

You don’t have to be awkward when meeting people at networking events. You can be a great networker if you just follow these simple steps and remember them the next time you attend a networking event. Remember, it’s not about what you say but how you say it!


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