How to be more consistent

How to be more consistent

So I did a poll on Twitter about what thread people would like to see more, as you can see they voted for a thread on 'How To Be More Consistent.

But I don't want my Linkedin family missing out ha, so I thought i'd share on here too

Enjoy and comment below for any additional things you do to stay consistent. 

TWEET 1 - Right, so thank you to everyone who voted in the poll. As requested, here’s a thread on how to be more consistent. What does consistent mean - ‘acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate’.

TWEET 2 - Whatever activity you’re doing, if you want to be more consistent at it, it needs to be something you enjoy doing or you need to enjoy what it produces (e.g. you might not necessarily enjoy the gym, but you enjoy how it makes you look, or how you feel after/the compliments too;))

TWEET 3 - A lot of the time, we sign up to be ‘consistent’ in things, & we don’t even enjoy them or we haven’t figured out what we enjoy about it, especially at this time of the year with all the new energy & new years resolutions

TWEET 4 - So before picking the activity that you want to be more consistent in, brainstorm all the reasons you like doing the activity, or the things you like that are associated with the activity

TWEET 5 - Which leads me nicely onto my next point, how does the activity align with your why? It sounds ‘deep’, but all it really means is; how is that this helping you achieve your higher vision/goals?

TWEET 6 - E.G. I don’t always feel like doing my morning motivation videos, but when I think about my legacy or what I want to leave behind, a catalogue of inspiring content is a part of that, which overrides any general ‘laziness’ or ‘being too busy’ to create the content

TWEET 7 - But my videos are a big part of my life, so maybe something more simple would make it more relatable. Okay, let’s pick something like writing in your diary

TWEET 8 - How can this relate to you why? If a part of your why is to be a leader one day, a big part of leadership is self-reflection, & your diary is a great way to help you reflect on yourself. So when you put it like that it gives it more meaning than just writing in a book every night

TWEET 9 - Look for inspiration. Inspiration is all around, but if you’re simply focusing on the task & not trying to find new ways to do it, ways to improve it or just looking at things that will inspire you to keep going, you will lose fuel, you’re human & that happens.

TWEET 10 - Ways to get inspiration:

Reading (books, blogs, articles etc.)

Role models (I’m always looking at Kevin Hart social media for new gym exercises, his energy & work rate is inspiring) - use social media to your advantage

Look through your feedback

Measure how far you’ve come

TWEET 11 - Have ppl around you who push you to continue doing the task. I’ll never forget how ppl like @PilotJonezz would call me & say ‘you ready to record yeah?’ - even when I didn’t feel like it. If those around you are passionate about it for you, how can YOU not be?

TWEET 12 - Your environment is very important - some call it ‘accountability partners’, some call it a ‘mastermind group’ whatever you call it, just remember that a caterpillar can’t relate to what an eagle envisions, get yourself around some eagles

TWEET 13 - Alright, I can’t stress this enough.. YOUR ROUTINE! Like I said, will power is not going to be enough, but if you build it into your routine it is a lot easier to continue the task, as it will just feel like a habit Eric Thomas sums it up here:

TWEET 14 - Some say routine builds character, I say routine builds winners. More often than not, if you look at a successful person’s rise to success, their routine would’ve shown you that they were on route to that level of success.



Figure out what you enjoy about it

How does it align to your why

Look for inspiration

Be in the right environment

Build it into your routine

TWEET 16 - ‘If you hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later, you’ll get a haircut’ #denzelwashington  

9 times out of 10, the winner is not the most talented, it is the person who stays in the race long enough - whatever you want to be more consistent at, just stay in the race long enough and I promise, you will reap way more than you ever imagined

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