How to Be More Confident

Have you ever felt like you don't trust yourself? You don't know why you just don't have the confidence to take any responsibility. 

Even though you know you might...

  • learn from it
  • grow in experience
  • love the opportunity

... but you scared you might screw up.

I once felt the same. But I learned something interesting that changed my entire life. We are unaware of it, but we do it daily. Do you want to know what that is? I think you do.

It is being harsh on yourself. Yes, I know. We hear it every day. But we still don't realize we are being hard on ourselves every day.

For example...

Let's talk about your side hustle. Most side hustles struggle to find clients. And to find clients, we know we have to cold call or other uncomfortable things to do to attract a new relationship.

But you did nothing. Because (let's face it), it is terrifying.

And what would you say to yourself?

"Oh my God, I'm the worst. Why didn't I do anything?"

"Dude, why am I so lazy? When will I ever do anything at all?"

Now let's turn the perspective around. Imagine the one who says all those stuff is a friend of yours.

"Oh my God, you're the worst. Why didn't you do anything?"

"Dude, why are you so lazy? When will you ever do anything at all?"

I know you would stop being friends, wouldn't you?

But why we say those things every day to ourselves.

You are the friend that constantly following you around and judging everything you do.

Instead of being too hard on yourself, you can be compassionate to yourself.

Admit that you are a human being. You can make a mistake. Tell yourself that you will learn from this mistake. You are better than this.

That way, you can trust yourself more just by changing the words you said to yourself.

Words have power. And this is one of its power. It can build your spirit or it can crush your soul.

Let's learn to trust ourselves more by being more forgiving to ourselves.

Hey, I want to hear from you. Please tell me in the comment section below. 

What quality of yours that you admire the most?


