How to monitor CREATE INDEX / REINDEX progress in Postgres 12+
Nikolay Samokhvalov
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To monitor the progress
query_start as started_at,
now() - query_start as query_duration,
format('[%s] %s',, a.query) as pid_and_query,
index_relid::regclass as index_name,
relid::regclass as table_name,
(pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(relid))) as table_size,
nullif(wait_event_type, '') || ': ' || wait_event as wait_type_and_event,
'%s (%s of %s)',
coalesce((round(100 * blocks_done::numeric / nullif(blocks_total, 0), 2))::text || '%', 'N/A'),
coalesce(blocks_done::text, '?'),
coalesce(blocks_total::text, '?')
) as blocks_progress,
'%s (%s of %s)',
coalesce((round(100 * tuples_done::numeric / nullif(tuples_total, 0), 2))::text || '%', 'N/A'),
coalesce(tuples_done::text, '?'),
coalesce(tuples_total::text, '?')
) as tuples_progress,
(select nullif(left(query, 150), '') || '...' from pg_stat_activity a where = current_locker_pid) as current_locker_query,
'%s (%s of %s)',
coalesce((round(100 * lockers_done::numeric / nullif(lockers_total, 0), 2))::text || '%', 'N/A'),
coalesce(lockers_done::text, '?'),
coalesce(lockers_total::text, '?')
) as lockers_progress,
'%s (%s of %s)',
coalesce((round(100 * partitions_done::numeric / nullif(partitions_total, 0), 2))::text || '%', 'N/A'),
coalesce(partitions_done::text, '?'),
coalesce(partitions_total::text, '?')
) as partitions_progress,
'%s (%s of %s)',
coalesce((round(100 * n_dead_tup::numeric / nullif(reltuples::numeric, 0), 2))::text || '%', 'N/A'),
coalesce(n_dead_tup::text, '?'),
coalesce(reltuples::int8::text, '?')
from pg_stat_all_tables t, pg_class tc
where t.relid = p.relid and tc.oid = p.relid
) as table_dead_tuples
from pg_stat_progress_create_index p
left join pg_stat_activity a on =
order by p.index_relid
; -- in psql, use "\watch 5" instead of semicolon
The same query, in a better formatted form.
How this query works:
1) The basis of it is pg_stat_progress_create_index added in Postgres 12.
2) The documentation also has a list of CREATE INDEX phases. As you can see from the table provided in the docs, advanced variant, CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY / REINDEX CONCURRENTLY (a.k.a. CIC and RC), which takes longer but acts in a non-blocking fashion
3) Index name (a temporary one in case of CIC/RC), table name are presented (using the useful trick to convert OIDs to names
4) pg_stat_activity (pgsa) provides a lot of additional useful information:
5) Function format(...) is very useful to consolidate data in convenient form
6) However, in certain cases we use coalesce(...) just to put special symbols if the value is missing (IS NULL) – e.g., "?" or "N/A".
7) Another interesting trick is combination of coalesce(...) and nullif(...). The latter allows us to avoid division by zero errors (replacing 0 with NULL, making the division result also NULL), while the former, again, is used to substitute resulting NULL with some non-empty value (in this case, 'N/A').
When executed in psql, it can be convenient to use \watch [seconds] to run this report in loop and observe progress live:
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