How Money Works 101
Firman Adiputra Santoso
Sourcing Specialist - Procurement (Global Strategic & Project Sourcing) at Baker Hughes
Have you ever thought about where is your money come from? well, maybe you will be ignorant and don't really care because the most important thing is "I just use my money anyway, I able to transact and get what we want", agree? or any other opinion?
Did you know that the money was printed? What for? money is believed throughout the world as a transaction tool which means that every transaction will lead to economic activity. If there are no / fewer transactions, will the money remain in print? Unfortunately, 'yes' money will continue to be printed. If you want to know about how money works, you can see what types of companies have the most money in the world and maybe if you can pay more attention try looking around you in big cities, what buildings are the most in your city. my opinion is the banking and financial services sector.
here is a video that helps explain how the money works,