How Money Literate are you?
Did you know that 68% of Canadians are financially literate? We apparently have one of the World's highest rating but does this truly mean that a better half of the population knows HOW MONEY WORKS??
A further breakdown of this statistic reveals that out of this 68%, 77% of men are supposedly money literate whereas only 60% of women are. This may generalise that a majority of men somewhat take charge of the family finances / investments and the women do not. As an argument to this, 95% of women are the primary person that makes important financial household decisions at some point in their lives.
Does it really matter who in the family makes the financial decisions? Should one, both or ALL of us make it a point to learn about how money really affects our daily lives? What if the key person who makes these decisions are no longer with us? Will that change the dynamics of the household?
So how literate are we really as a country? Take a quick quiz to challenge yourself, find out if you know anything about Money and which percentile you fall into!
Whether you are in the 68% or not, the difference is whether you work for money or does money work for you! If there were a way to better your results and help you learn about money in the most simplistic manner, would you want to learn? Find out more by CLICKING HERE!
No matter what your financial situation, never settle for the status quo! Always fight to get what you deserve and what's best for you, your family and those you care about!