How to monetize 5G Public/Private Networks?

How to monetize 5G Public/Private Networks?

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As 5G networks continue rolling out, operators are looking for ways to generate revenue from the 5G technology. While some services, such as fixed wireless access, are already generating revenue for operators, there is much more potential to be realized.

Private networks, for example, offer a promising opportunity for operators to generate new revenue streams. As we know, some operators are falling short of their 5G revenue expectations despite these opportunities. To succeed, operators must apply new strategies and leverage ecosystem partnerships and 5G marketplaces, to innovate and move beyond simply providing connectivity.

In order to maximize revenue and add more value, operators must expand their connectivity offerings beyond speed and customer experience; they need to expand their footprint into edge cloud platforms and AI-based solution stacks. Doing this will help them secure a larger share of the potential profits.


Monetizing 5G With A Telecom Marketplace

Monetizing 5G With A Telecom Marketplace?

James Messer, Founder, and CEO at Gotransverse, explains how a marketplace model allows CSPs to capitalize on the additional capabilities of 5G in different ways.?


The 5G Monetization Challenge

Fifth-generation (5G) mobile networking promises to revolutionize the telecommunications market. 5G was developed to enable multi-Gbps transmission speeds with ultra-low latency and greater reliability, enabling extended wireless data access.

Thanks to 5G, new machine-to-machine communications, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), are easier to deploy. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can now deliver a more immersive experience over wireless links. Mission-critical business communications can take advantage of the higher data speeds and reliability of 5G networking.

With 5G, communication service providers (CSPs) can now offer edge-aware enterprise data services. They can work with developers, hardware vendors, edge computing services, and third parties to create new offerings built around 5G speed and versatility. For example, CSPs can take advantage of 5G slicing and multi-access edge computing (MEC) to guarantee service levels and enable new wireless offerings.

Read the complete article - Monetizing 5G With A Telecom Marketplace?


5G+ Build and Monetize What’s Coming Next

5G+?Build and Monetize What’s Coming Next?

Geoff Hollingworth, CMO at Rakuten Symphony, delves into why 5G revenues have failed to meet expectations, what customers and businesses anticipate from network operators, and the potential for operators to capitalize on new monetization opportunities.


5G revenues are falling short of expectations, so what was not anticipated?

The industry approach to 5G has been in the wrong direction. It is very technology-centric. The industry, in general, not only for 5G but for the whole business going forward, should anchor itself on what customers are doing, what they need, and how they are connected.

The reality is that customers are sometimes connected to 5G networks, but quite often, they are connected to other networks, and sometimes they are connected to networks that are 5G but operated by other network service providers. Hence, as network service providers, we need to anchor ourselves in the reality of what we can actually control with those customers and when.

Operators are also in a great position as an industry because the demand for what they deliver increases continuously. Each network operator has a large customer base, counting to the millions, so anchoring in improving the customer experience where they are actually connected to their own network is where operators need to stop.

Watch the interview and read the complete article - 5G+?Build and Monetize What’s Coming Next?


Revolutionizing 5G Monetization Strategies for CSPs with Gotransverse

Revolutionizing 5G Monetization Strategies for CSPs with Gotransverse?

Tim Pflugradt, VP of Customer Solutions at Gotransverse, demonstrates how to supercharge 5G monetization through a marketplace that can support new business models selling value-based 5G services.


Traditionally, communication service providers (CSPs) have charged for services based on network metrics like volume of data consumed or minutes of use. But in a marketplace environment, where CSPs are partnering with other vendors to provide more complex service offerings, the monetization strategies have to match.

In last year’s TM Forum Catalyst project, Gotransverse collaborated with Verizon, Vodafone Group, Blue Planet (a division of Ciena), MATRIXX Software, and Salesforce to demonstrate how to supercharge 5G monetization through a marketplace that can support new business models selling value-based 5G services.

The TM Forum Catalyst project demonstrated a CSP marketplace that:

  • Enabled third-party partners to innovate their products and services and transform their commercial models through embedding 5G network slices and multi-access edge computer (MEC) capabilities.
  • Transformed customer experience through positioning offers in value-based terms rather than in underlying network metrics.
  • Facilitated sharing of revenue across all parties in the value chain.

The critical capabilities that CSPs end-to-end marketplace business processes supported to provide real-time pricing quotes for on-the-fly-changes included:

  • Knowledge of resources available at a service location - in addition to dynamic pricing based on value delivered, network load, size and duration of slice increase requested, and actual usage.
  • Built-in, automated revenue sharing across multiple partners - CSPs, device vendors, edge network operators, application developers, and other service providers.
  • Real-time insight and forecasts for dynamic pricing. For example, CSPs can offer discounted services during low-load periods to improve customer engagement and increase revenue.
  • Predictive analytics with real-time network data empowerment means the customers can activate more features with more bandwidth and MEC while saving money.

The marketplace monetization solution provided an end-to-end real-time performance awareness to adapt to customer-facing business processes. As a result, the 5G infrastructure could efficiently use resources while creating new monetization opportunities for CSPs and their partners.

Read the complete article: Revolutionizing 5G Monetization Strategies for CSPs with Gotransverse?


How do you monetize 5G?

How do you monetize 5G??

Dean Rayne, Director of 5G & IOT Solution Enablement & Delivery at BT, focuses on commercializing the benefits that 5G enables rather than commercializing 5G, with a focus on private networks for the Energy sector.


How do you monetize 5G?

That is a question that the entire telecoms sector is asking, and, in truth, there isn’t a quick answer - 5G isn’t a one-size-fits-all technology.

So, it’s important to take a customer-first approach, understand the problem and then provide the solution and unlock the business benefits.

Of course, there is the obvious consumer play. Fixed wireless access is a great volume option for small site primary or backup connectivity.

But, the area I’d like to focus on is 5G Private Networks (PNs). Because I am in no doubt that as an underlying technology, 5G PNs will be a key enabler for businesses across the globe over the next five to 10 years – switching on the benefits of digital tech across different sectors. I speak to business customers regularly, and I am yet to find any industry that will just buy a 5G PN just because it’s 5G. I hear everything from “my Wi-Fi is fine for my business right now,” to “yes, I’d love a private network, but I cannot afford one.”

So, rather than being about commercializing 5G, are we actually talking about commercializing the benefits that 5G enables? I believe it’s the latter.

Read the complete article - How do you monetize 5G??


Security and Availability are key to 5G Monetization and New Critical Services

Security and Availability are key to 5G Monetization and New Critical Services?

Fredrik Sundling, Senior System Architect at Net Insight, focuses on steps to cost-effective and future-proof 5G synchronization for securing 5G network investments.


5G represents a significant shift in how we connect to the world around us and has the potential to completely transform the way we live, work, and play. The ground-breaking technology is set to revolutionize the various sectors of industry by delivering multi-Gbps data speeds, massive network capacity, and ultra-low latency guaranteeing high security, reliability, and service availability. Yet behind the scenes, there are still several factors that could strongly impact just how transformative this technology will be in years to come.

How will mobile network operators succeed in 5G monetization?

5G network rollouts are now sprouting around the globe as operators get to grips with the potential of new enterprise applications. These applications are rapidly developing in areas such as automation in production, mining, and factories; smart harboring and supply chain visibility, self-driving cars, and sophisticated B2B solutions within finance, healthcare, and logistics, and are the new critical services in focus for 5G deployments and rollouts.

Realtime services and applications place new demands on overall network performance and reliability. As a result, mobile operators are under pressure to improve their networks to ensure a high-quality user experience supported by high service availability.

As exciting as these are, the applications bring new real-time and availability requirements to 5G networks. Real-time applications like self-driving cars and remote workflows in different industries and automation in production require not only low latency but also a secure and resilient infrastructure that ensures service availability 24/7. These new applications represent huge potential value for 5G operators, but there are still hurdles that need to be overcome for this value to materialize.

Read the complete article - Security and Availability are key to 5G Monetization and New Critical Services?


5G Monetization – Laying a Foundation for New Business Growth in the Metaverse

5G Monetization – Laying a Foundation for New Business Growth in the Metaverse?

Michael Lesniak, Business Development at SK Telecom, focuses on how consumers rationalize the price they pay for accessing network and the need for each network generation to bring something new and transformational.


Defining 5G Monetization

People in our industry talk about 5G monetization in many ways. Hosting on edge, network slicing, and enterprise 5G are common, to name a few. Those are all interesting use cases with the potential for scalable business models. But at the end of the day, it’s about consumers. I want to talk about them. The lion’s share of a telecom’s revenue comes from data and voice services.

Therefore, to truly monetize 5G, we need to provide consumers with 1) services they want to use that 2) demonstrate the value of 5G. This is how consumers rationalize the price they pay for accessing our network.

With each generation, we have seen a media type demonstrate the value of our network. In 2G, it was MMS, 3G Music, 4G was Movies and better Music on mobile, and for 5G, it’s Metaverse. We’ve seen that better isn’t really enough. Something new, transformational, is required to define the next generation. That’s why Metaverse services are so important and why it presents new opportunities for carriers to redefine their relationship with customers.

Framing the Metaverse

People debate the meaning of Metaverse, and the hype cycle has provided enormous numbers for market size and growth. Framing what we mean by “metaverse” can help provide focus. I describe the Metaverse as a “Connected, Immersive, and Interactive 3D Environment.”

The general consensus appears to be that these types of services are either a form of mixed reality or Web3 applications that exist on a spectrum of web, mobile, and new form factors, especially Head Mounted Displays (HMDs). That said, I believe the defining quality of Metaverse services is the concept of Presence -- a sense of “being there” that involves transferring consciousness to a simulated environment (VR) or transferring a simulated environment to a consciousness (AR).

Read the complete article: 5G Monetization – Laying a Foundation for New Business Growth in the Metaverse?


Read/Watch the complete 5G Monetization, 5G Magazine



