How a Miracle Cure Occurs in Prayer Meetings

How a Miracle Cure Occurs in Prayer Meetings

Why Pentecostal and Charismatic Movement is Dwindling -- #miralecures #Creation #bigbang #prophesy #newbeginnings #newage #newagespirituality #newlife

Miracle cures have existed in the past but the new wave started in the first decade of the last century in America – the Hub of Science. Since then it has spread to the world. What happened in a small community, spread the world like wildfire and it is now known under a larger Term called “New Age Spirituality”.

The Miracle Cure and Healing Occurring in Christian Prayer meetings have been a subject of discussion/debate among the intellectual community. The average scientific community has taken a hard position on them, but those who are at the forefront of science have remained silent. This is understandable because science itself lost its classical foundation in the first half of the last century and is yet to find a New Foundation on which it can explain all the BIG QUESTIONS. True Scientific intellectuals thus have accepted a larger inclusive platform, where philosophers, religious people, and mystics all can participate in the endeavor to know the Truth of Nature, Life, and God.

The New Age Spiritual movement has thrived because human experience counts very much and speaks loudly. Before we speak against the movement and hit blindly at them, one must note that the number of people, going to prayer centers, participating in prayer meetings online, and attending retreats seeking Miracle intervention is very large.?One must note that this includes Scientists and Intellectuals.

In this world of science, criticism is expected. Let us not forget we have a history where the Root Peron of this wave [Jesus[ was killed mercilessly and in a horrific way.

The point we must note

1] God is a Reality impregnated in humanity. Created in His images as Male and female means that His Spirit Exists in every human. Though the memory and knowledge of this relationship are lost, a flicker of it exists in all humans. From time immemorial, humans have visualized a Supreme, Powerful Creating Sustaining, and ruling entity, which largely remains unseen, but controls and rules. Since He cannot be seen by eyes, humans have tried to idolize and develop many cultures around Him. The scriptures, epics, and pictures depicted in stone are efforts to save His memory and His existence.

Science is a New Quest to Know the Truth of Life, Nature, and God. Science is yet to comprehend God. Science began against hypocritical deteriorated religious leaders and institutions. Hypocritical Religious people have thrived even in this scientific era because science has failed to answer the Big Questions. ?Religion today stands as the biggest threat to Democracy and Humanity. They exploit our loss of connectivity with God Field and ignorance of God.

2] What drives this New Age Spiritual movement is what one experience when one prays in faith and surrender to the Spiritual Force. There is no bigger proof than experience.

3] One must underline and note that Physicists lead the scientific inquiry. The atomic physicists hope to see and explain the Universe from an Atom. They have ended up discovering a “GOD PARTICLE” that gives mass, energy, and thus life to atoms.?However, they fail to comprehend how the atom overcomes the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Time. The same problem manifests in physicists working on large scales. They see Origin from Big Bang Singularity from a Black Hole from One Great Single Particle or SEED PARTICLE. ?However, a Black Hole is known to destroy space-time, matter, and even energy, leading to the Great Big QuestionWhat Banged at Big Bang”. Thus Greatest scientist of the last century, Einstein ended by saying, “I want to know God’s Mind- the Rest is details”.?It is apparent now that we cannot keep aside God – The Question is How to Comprehend Him. ?

The Unity and Difference between Science and Modern-day Spiritual movement.

Both rely on Asking, finding observable answers, and Predictions. Science emphasizes repetitions, greater accuracy, and a higher percentage of predictions and calls for sensible explanations acceptable to all.

The Healing and Miracles cure in religion, works similarly on asking, finding answers, and predictions. However, it does not emphasize percentage, accuracy, repeatability, and explanation.?Even one Miracle Cure in a meeting of 10000 people in the name of God is enough for people to flood the meeting and keep coming to it with hope.

Spontaneous healing is a natural phenomenon occurring in life. Nonlinear Science tells that when a system is severely stressed and in Great Disorder, a Great Order can emerge spontaneously around a “Strange Attractor” emerging in the system. Two forces operate in Life in these critical situations, one acting toward death and another toward Life. A decisive shift can change the situation.

In a community of enlightened people, united in prayer this “Attractor State” favors Life. It seems to shine brightly causing souls to be pulled in favor of Life. This means the New Life Movement has substance. It is subtle Science.

The question is why then these spiritual movements have failed to evolve to bring Big Transformative Changes in Society.?The answer is simple; Two-Spirits are growing simultaneously. Bible clearly says that Satan is the Ruler of Earth and he is powerful. Just as we humans have an affinity to God or the Spirit of Life, there is also affinity to the Spirit of Matter or the Material World.

Thus, humanity ends up falling for the pull of Material affinity. Everyone who goes to retreat ends up asking for healing, once healing is done he ends up asking for material gains. Thus, this spiritual movement has ended up in Material Prosperity Gospel than a movement that prospers Life.

The disgusting part is that many anointed spiritual leaders end up making this experience into means of livelihood by forming Churches and ministries. There is nothing wrong with it. However, after a period they develop Ego, Self, and Extreme material centeredness.?They seem to take the same path as Mother Church, marketing God. They fail to grow spiritually in the Spirit of God to the Ultimate Purpose of the Great Sacrifice. History is thus repeating itself not changing. No wonder God has to make the Second Coming to bring the much-wanted liberation of humanity from the material world and its force and bring a Shift towards Life and Light Centered thinking.

The Ultimate Purpose of the Great Sacrifice

The ultimate purpose of the sacrifice is to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is to conquer time and Initialize the system into New Time Cycle. It is to bring back the memory of Our Creation from One Root Source beyond religions. It is to bring back the Knowledge and Wisdom Era or Golden Age of Truth and Justice. It is to separate the Good from the Evil. It is known how to Purpose of the Birth On Planet Earth.

How possibly Miracle Cure Occurs - A tentative outlook.

The above question arose decades back in me and led me to develop a tentative vision. As a scientist, I believed that everything should have a scientific explanation. The tentative vision was that life has essential four parts, outer space, outer body [mind being center of it], inner vital body [Heart being its Center], and INNER SPACE. All these fields are paired and it Quantum fluctuates.?

Life emerges from the inner space.?Humans have males and females. This means we have to visualize a pair See Fig. The root of both exists in God the Spirit. Bible speaks of it. Modern science now is striving to understand it from Energy and information.?

Creation in Bible is associated with calls for Connectivity with God Life and Light. There is a resistance to turning away from Him to the Material Center.

Life works inside out, which means the Inner Space and Information in it, are Critical. It creates and supports the physical world we see.

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I went to a Retreat Center, to observe and study it, but ended up having an enlightening experience and deep revelation, and a Conscious call. Let me share my perception of Miracle Cure.

All Retreat Centers have some basic Characters

1] Loud Devotional Music - Sound is a form of energy and is transformable into electromagnetic energy that can penetrate deep and touch you. Music by itself has calming and healing properties. Sound and music are vibrations of the energy field. Vibration is the base form of communication in the Universe.

The adult mind is a largely turbulent field, that ends disconnected from the inner conscious field. It ends up in a Vortex of Thinking and struggle. ?It ends in developing many schools of thinking. The root of religious schools and scientific schools is the product of the Mind and its inquiry.

These schools condition our minds. Both these institutions are material centered. Science at least is not hypocritical. However, most religions are HYPOCRITICAL, especially Christianity. They Speak God and end in amassing wealth. They are ignorant of the God they serve and the Purpose of the Great Sacrifice. Common sense evaluation tells that they divide and rule the population.

2] Music and Calming the mind is the First Step in miracle healing. In the second step, people having experienced miracle cures and Transforming experiences emerge speaking about their healing and Transforming experiences. This is followed by, powerful speakers who can preach the Words of the Scriptures very effectively. They bring the focus to God and Jesus. This is supported by the background prayer group. All this breaks the Vortex of the Adult Mind and helps empowers the God Field that exists in all. This Collective elevation of God Field and Force helps shift the polarity of the minds of the even hard-core people participating in it.

In short, the mind transcends the Physical Influence to give scope for the Inner God field to work to flush the dark energies this brings the Healing.??

Scientifically speaking, there are two spin axes to life. One is directed downwards aligned with the Physical, and the other is directed with Life upwards.?Individuals participating in the retreat momentarily shift from the physical to the Spiritual Axis directed to Life. This brings the healing

Let me elaborate it a little more

In the first step, the body is exposed to energized state.?According to Eastern philosophy, the human being is a Dynamic system connected to the inner vertical Spiritual Axis and energy flowing in it. There is also a Horizontal axis in which the Physical Aspects [ The right and lefts in sapce] are connected. A disease manifests because of Blocked Energies. They create an imbalance within the system. Energies are Charged particles of various frequencies. The disease is understood to manifest in 4 stages.

A visible disease is known to manifest when this accumulated energy reaches some critical state.?Our Spirit- Soul is designed to expel it or neutralize it and sustain the balance. ?The process largely occurs when the mind sleeps. The expulsion can occur on the outside or inside. ?Very often, what becomes a block to this Natural healing is the Mind and its wrong thought processes and input into the system. A mind that is caught in a vortex, fails to rest and rethink. It digs its own grave.

When the Human mind is relaxed and is in a surrendered state and allows the God Field to work it allows the inner Soul to work to expel accumulated energy or neutralize it. In a large group of people clapping, singing dancing, and praying together, there is the expansion and the movement of energy and expulsion of and neutralization of negative energy. In a group, one person’s disease [blocked energy] become a cure for some other people. It is like a Wire in which the Charge flows finding Neutralization. The Spirit of Jesus or God acts as a medium of exchange. The Charging of the medium [Attractor State is critical]. The Spiritual State of the Leader and His group plays an important role here.??

Healing is the only first step in the process. For some, it can become a Transformative experience with a Conscious call to work in this field for the Great Change. These souls could tap into God's field in prayers and surrender.?They gain special powers. They emerge forming New Churches and Ministries.?Hardly few who participate can find the enlightening and Transformative experience to start a Church or Ministry. Very clearly these Transformative experiences and the call have a Larger Purpose and are beneficial to society.

Why then we are not seeing improvement in the Society

The healing and Transformative experience can be peripheral, temporary, or deep and even can manifest into a spiritual call. However, in the environment outside to which one returns, ?the materialistic force is growing. Since the physical is as much real as the Spiritual, transformative experience becomes temporary and souls become amenable to fall.

Thus, spiritualists emphasize remaining in the group, being in prayer, being connected to the conscious call, and keep striving to exalt the Spirit of God within and Outside.?In short, one should put effort to empower the New Life and Sustain the Transformation by growing in the Spirit.

For those who could not surrender their Ego and Conditioned Mind, and failed to truly participate in the whole exercise, everything appears as a brainwashing process. My observation has pointed out that big Miracles have always occurred in prayer meetings and retreats, for spirit-Souls coming from other religions and who are not hardcore Christians. Hard-core Christians end up doing the same mistake as the Clergies of the Jewish community did.

One must underline that though Satan is defeated in the Spiritual Realm in Calvary nothing has changed in the Physical Realm. The physical realm is still under the control of the same evil mind ruling Earth.?The consequence is there is to be seen. Every Temple and church has become a business center. The Whole Earth, the Temple of God is made into market Place, Human beings are turned into zombies and slaves incapable of thinking and using their Common Sense.??

One can comprehend the truths written in spiritual scripture and the present state of the world from the figure.??

What we call the Mind/Brain and its five senses are simply a Portal to communicate with the external world.?There is an internal body whose center is the Heart. The heart also has a mind that rhythmically pulsates giving Life and Sustaining Life. It also has 5 sensory perceptions that are linked to the INNER SPACE. Life Originates from this Inner space. Ordinary Humans cannot penetrate the dark shield to see light.

There is Universal Time Cycle we need to understand the scenario unfolding on Earth in relation to it. We are in the last phase of the One Universal Time Cycle.?The natural connectivity with God Field becomes impossible when the Universal Time Cycle is in Down Phase and Dark phase. This calls for Special Intervention. This Intervention happened in Calvary. It is growing from within the Darkness.

Physicists tell us we are in a Black Hole. The Good News is Light and Life is growing from within. We are now stressed to evolve from the Darkfield. The church and Ministry leaders in whose vicinity miracles are occurring need to be understood as souls that can easily connect to the Inner World, which is growing.

The Complete awareness of this only happens at the Moment of Birth of the New Time Cycle. I know this statement of mine calls for much explanation. It is written in my Blog. Let me not go into it. The Good News is that we heading to See Life and Light on the whole level.

One must note that the Spirit of God after the creation of Humans in His Image does resist us looking to the darker side and aligning with its force. But in time this happens. This calls for the Recreation and Restoration of everything.

Once duality comes into Being the only way to connect is through the Central axis. The modern world and its Science emphasize the Brain and Mind and fail to see the importance of the Heart and the inner space. We must underline that the Mind is Evolved product and not the root of Life. Everything collapses when the beating of the Heart stops. We need to learn to explore and see everything from the Mind of the Heart. ??

When the mind exists in surrender to one’s Heart, it becomes spiritually strong and naturally healthy. When the mind develops Ego, Self and becomes material centeredness, the connectivity with Lifeforce diminishes. Thus, all scriptures resist us from becoming a slave to the material world and from becoming a slave to minds coming from outside. There is a necessity to come out of the Conditioned Mind to experience the Miracle.

Here Mother Mary stands as the Supreme Mother. She was connected to the Inner world and could hear the Voice of the Creator. She could grow beyond her Conditioned mind to accept the Miracle Baby.?

A true teacher helps you connect to your consciousness and Intelligence and leaves you free to explore the Universal or God's Consciousness. No teacher can lead you to Truth or God; he can only show you the Path or help you into the path. Every individual need to encounter Him [God and His Field] personally. We all go to retreat with personal needs, once this is fulfilled, we return with Greater Needs. But hardly anyone comes to Know Him. I as an atheist and Scientist happened to stand before Him to Know Him – the rest is details.

In short, the spiritual path is the inward path. Gravity and Time are also an Inward path. No wonder the scientific community has ended in Black Hole. Their only blemish of science is that they have failed to See WHITE HOLE operating in it creating and sustaining the Whole system in TIME.

Most religions idolize or consecrate God into Material or Organic objects, kept under their control in temples and churches. They resist humanity knowing the God and Truth within, Find Liberation, and walk the path of Love, Truth, and Justice.

The Importance of the East

We must note here that Eastern Spiritual Philosophy is the oldest most scientifically religious philosophy. It emphasizes the need to Meditate Transcend the Mind and go Inward to know Truth or God. Even today, sages meditate lifelong to know God and to restore the lost connectivity with God for the good of Humanity. However, they have constantly failed. All spiritual philosophy ends up writing that God cannot be sought, but He comes in search and reveals Himself with a Purpose. The purpose is to Restore His Kingdom. It is a One-time Event in every time Cycle. This event is happening with Calvary.

A mind that develops Ego, and self and becomes slaves to the material world cannot enter the inner conscious field.

What is the importance of Calvary Sacrifice? – Little more Elaboration

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Today modem science understands that everything is energy and information and the matter manifests from it. The universe as a Living Being Subjected to Time Cycle means once in every Cycle it has to go into Gross Undifferentiated Spiritual Singularity State before it unfolds and manifests back into Duality.

The Revelation I got from the Spirit of God is that Post Calvary is the Singular Creation State of the Universe, where multiple and dual worlds are dissolved into the Singular Phase. In other words, Post Calvary the Creator's Consciousness and Intelligence and the Information of the whole system is unfolding as a template for the New Creation and Restoration of the whole system into New Time Cycle. Every Soul is liberated with a Free Will to choose. We are being called to Transform and translate into this field before it splits. In short, the Spirit of Christ is the GREAT ATTRACTOR STATE emerging in our non-linear system around which we can find hope of the New Order.

What this means is there is New Spiritual Frame Work and New World forming within the Old. It is like Conceived Child in the Womb. The Child cannot remain in the womb forever.

A New Spiritual or polar axis developing within the old. The Old will be transformed into this spiritual axis. In short, the world is reaching Birthing Point. ?Recall Jesus' reference to His Second Coming. The Divine Plan Conceived in Calvary is unbreakable. It will complete its Purpose.

What the New Age Churches Should Take Note

New Age Spirituality and the so-called anointed people have an access to the Inner field that empowers them. However, this does not mean they will make it to the Kingdom of God. I make this statement because the GOD FIELD they tap into is Undifferentiated. Both Good and Evil Spirits work in it. The judgment part in the Bible speaks it loudly. The spiritual field that is blooming now is a risky field and the sword of Judgement comes on them first before it spreads to common people. Half of the people working in God's field would see the door shutting on them. One must recall ?Matthew 25:1-13 here.

God cannot hold common people responsible for the failure of His people appointed to lead the world. I have written on it at length in my Blog-Awaken to Truth.

It is disgusting to see spiritual leaders developing egos, becoming extremely money centered, and leading a Hypocritical life. Scriptures speak that those who cling to money and material aspects will find it difficult to enter His Kingdom.

Physicists tell us that we live in a Black Hole. This black hole is tending to Great Disorder. They fail to see the White Hole growing within by Divine Plan. What is growing is the Conscious field of the Creator. It is growing by Divine Plan. At an appointed time it will Break the Womb, emerge and Split into Two. The split of the physical will follow. To comprehend it recalls the Division of One fertilized Egg cell into Two.

What is the importance of Calvary Sacrifice? – Little more Elaboration

Time is an inevitable reality from both the western material perspective and Easter living perspective. The Time directs to Black Hole. God Resists it, but cannot stop it. The greatest question that both Science and religions face is how death is conquered.

From a scientific point, everything directs to the Black Hole Singularity Point and originates with a Big Bang. However, a black hole is known to Destroy Space-time, matter, and even energy, which leaves with no cause for Origin and Existence. Thus, the Big bang origin has remained incomprehensible to the Human mind and a dead end to Physics and science. The same problem surfaces in the religious as the question - How does Death Transform into life?

Einstein strived to invent a field and Force that oppose Gravity field and gives stability. One look at the Earth and the Living World, tells that all living system works against Gravity and Time directed to collapse to a singularity. They have an inner space in which it Transforms Gravity into Anti-Gravity. It also shows creativity in creating a mass that grows against gravity.

This means the Big Bang Theory from One Seed particle becomes only an imagination born of mathematics.?Even the existence of One living Cell can deny Big Bang. I wrote about it decades back.

However, it becomes a reality when we began to observe Adult Humans who develop Ego, self, and Material centeredness and align with material force. This means humans are the Cause of Time's direction to great disorder and collapse. No wonder, Max Planck brought Human Mind and Einstein went ahead to call our attention towards an Absolute Mind or God Mind.

The revelation I an Atheist got is that Jesus is the Supreme Soul and Mind, who took on Him the Gravitational force and Collapse and Transformed it into anti-gravity and expansion Force. This means we are in an expansion state. Astophyscsist tells us that the Universe is expanding in an accelerated manner. We are at a critical point where this Singular Point of the explosion would stop and it goes into a Split. All the indestructible souls are forced to make a Choice.?We can comprehend this reality from non-linear science.

The importance of Calvary emerges when we simplify Bible and understand it by taking the concept of Time. The concept of time is what bothers both the spiritual and scientific worlds. What bothers both is Creation and Sustenance.

In Jesus Old Time Ended to Start a New Time. One has to imagine the Conception of a Child in the womb to comprehend this. One has to visualize the Consciousness and Intelligence of the Two parallel worlds God the Father and Mother and all Information Coming as One in Jesus as a UNIQUE CASE. When He surrendered to Death in full awareness of His Powers, without showing EGO, Self, and Material affection, He arrested Time and Death and initiated a New Time and Expansion. With it, Universal or God Consciousness and Intelligence unfolded as a Template for New Creation and Restoration with free will to all Souls.

In short behind the Black Hole to which the whole world is pointed, is White World is growing. Thanks to souls that feared God, accepted Jesus Lived the path of Consciousness, and died upholding Turht and Justice.

This means that God’s Conscious and Intelligent field is increasingly growing and is amenable to us. This explains the New Age Spirituality. The fig explains.

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The universe as a Conscious Intelligent Living Being, which Self-Organizes from Time to Time and eternally exists was known to the East. It does not say that the Universe is beyond Death but says it is capable of conquering Death and eternally exists. However, these ancient spiritualists fail to explain How Death is Conquered and the Self-Organization Occurs.

The knowledge and Wisdom of creation seemed to have existed in the past but the memory of it seems to be lost in Time. The Eastern spiritual philosophy subtly relates the deterioration and rise of Darkness to people’s disconnection from God’s Conscious field. Thus sages in India still strive to bring this Connection Back and know the Secret of Conquering Death. A subtly written fact in all scriptures is that this deterioration comes from God’s people, who develop an ego, self, and materialistic affliction.

Following Max Planck's quote?“Conscious and intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matter” Mind and Consciousness have become Big Fields of Research, but are done with the wrong perception that the mind is the basis of Consciousness in Life. The mind is an evolved product. It is not the source of Life. It has no creative and sustaining Potential.?

Creation spoken in Bible reflects the Biology and DNA replication of an Egg cell that is conceived.?Life manifest from the Singularity state when information from Parallel World Unites. This union and re-organization of Information is the First Step in a living system that conquers time and perpetuates in Time. In the Second Step, it exposes itself as a Template for the Creation of a Mirror Image and splits the Information in a specific way, creating Duality.?One cell goes to form the inner heart and vital world, the other goes to form the Outer Body and Mind. See Fig.

?My Stand and Belief

My stand may not be your stand and belief. I respect individuals, their freedom, and their faith. I do not wish to Judg anybody.

I speak the Truth I am called to Speak. I was an atheist, who went in Search of Truth and encountered the Spirit of Christ or God. I stand for God and the Spirit of Christ. However, I have left my religious tag to accept Humanity. I am not bothered about where my mortal body would be buried. I am not worried about whether my soul goes to hell or heaven or remains here. I leave it to His Will. I just want to walk the path of Truth and Justice as much as possible, without compromise.

I don’t wish to judge any of those Pentecostal Pastors or Spiritually anointed religious leaders. It is up to them to decide how they are aligned. I salute everyone who has helped to heal or Transform Souls. ?

I don’t intend to form any Church or lead any Spiritual Group. I would prefer to be a scientist than a religious fanatic. I took to research from consciousness hoping to contribute something to Humanity in the process of leading my life. Destiny, however, took me down the Hole to the Holy Grail.?

My conscious path demanded sacrifices. I have no regret walking the conscious path, finding myself at the retiring age, Homeless, and looked down upon as a failure in life and virtually thrown out of the family. If His will permits, I would like to return to the research field to discuss and cooperate on many applied ideas that came in the long Journey and earn my livelihood. I need your prayers ??

I have striven to call the world’s attention principally to

1.?????The endangered state of the world because of Human Material greed. This greed has peaked rendering the Earth and its Climate unstable and destructive.

2.?????I call attention to the rise of hypocritical and fanatic religious leaders. They emerge as the greatest threat to Democracy and Peace on earth.

3.?????I call attention to the need of evolving both Science and Religions in simplicity, such that humanity awakens to the Truth of Life, Nature, and God. The world needs a generation that is liberated from the old religious mindset and awakened to the Life and God within and Outside binding us as One. We need a generation that leads a life connected to consciousness and intelligence within and is aligned with Universal Consciousness and Intelligence.???

I believe that what Christ spoke to the world is the Secret of Consciousness and the need to take the Conscious path. His Lifestyle and His preaching are reflected in the Sages of the East. The whole of the Mother Church has resisted humanity turning inwards and taking the Inward Spiritual Path and awakening. It has held humanity locked in the lowest of the 5 levels of spirituality that is written in Great Indian spiritual philosophy. ?

The Lowest Spiritual realm Is “food” or “Annamaya Kosha”. This is essential to maintain Life.?Spiritual growth begins when we grow beyond it to know the Breath and rise to voice and mind level.

The Mother Church has held us at the lowest level, Resisting any further growth. A Pentecostal and Charismatic movement possibly initiated the Breath Level. Some of these leaders also entered the voice level with the ability to command evil spirits. But they are failing to grow beyond the religious stigma to know the wider reality.

The spiritually anointed could be considered the illuminated Angels, but what is disgusting to note is that these Angels easily develop Ego and fall for the lure of money and material aspects. Thus, we are failing to evolve from the Dark to Light from Death to Life.

The Good News is that the Divine Plan of Restoration is unbreakable and in the appointed Time Spirit of Christ emerges Victorious. So we can keep hope to see a Golden Age of Knowledge and Wisdom.

I strive to keep afloat my conscious call against all odds in faith that Calvary Sacrifice will lead us from Darkness to Light from Death to Life.

In conclusion

In conclusion, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and New Age Spirituality are good developments. However, we have reached a dead end, because the leaders are failing to grow beyond the Self and the Material affliction. They are failing to evolve beyond the stigma of religion.

We live in the Scientific and Information Era. These movements can only survive only if they explain the Science operating behind the Miracle cure and by being true to what they speak and truly being aligned with Life Force. If the Pentecostal movement and Charismatic Movement wish to see the Kingdom of God manifest, they have to incorporate Science and Present Calvary as Science of Recreation and Restoration to the world.

You can explore my efforts by His Grace to advance science in my Blog and Recent Articles I wrote on “LinkedIn

My Blog article

1] “Evolving Fundamentals of Physics - The Principle and Design on which Universe Works

2] Deep Thoughts -A NEW SIMPLE VISION OF ATOM - Part-1 Fundamental Principle and Design Underlying the Universe


