How To Minimize Financial Cost and Make Process Industry Profitable

How To Minimize Financial Cost and Make Process Industry Profitable

Do You Know How Important Financial Cost is for Making Your Manufacturing Business Profitable and Sustainable?

Do You Know the Financial Cost is Inversely Proportional to the Capacity Utilization of Your Manufacturing Facility?

In fact, the source of Financial Cost is because of your Business Investments.? The business investments can be on Value Added Activities or procuring and building business assets - both tangible and intangible.

Return On Your Investments

If you're investing your money in value added activities, you're getting the returns on your investments.

And if the return on your investments is higher than the financial cost associated with your business investment, you're getting benefited. But if it's less, you need to increase the return on your investments.

When it comes to the business assets things become complex. Why? Because the business assets can be tangible or intangible. With intangible business assets, the return on your investment will depend on many aspects.

When you're procuring intangible business assets, you need to check when and how you are getting the returns. In fact, with the intangible resources, it depends on how are you utilizing them. If you're making use of the intangible assets in value added activities, then you're getting the returns.

Of course, it all depends on how you're managing your assets.

Similarly, when it comes to the tangible business assets, the return on investment will depend on the type of the assets you're acquiring.

You may procure the machinery, equipment, system, gadget and others essentials for your business. You may build the manufacturing facility for commercial manufacturing of your products.

But what does it mean when we talk about the process industries?

Investments In Process Industries

When you get into the details of financial costs of any process industry, you’ll find the major part is because of your investment in tangible assets. When you build the manufacturing facility for commercial manufacturing of your products, you incorporate the financial cost component into the manufacturing costs of your products.

In fact, the major part of the financial cost is due to the capital investment in expanding your existing manufacturing facilities and building new manufacturing facilities.

However the capital investment is not only for the tangible assets like your manufacturing facility but also for the intangible assets like the Process technology and what you spend in designing, building, and commissioning the manufacturing facility or expanding the existing manufacturing facility.

Of course, irrespective of the assets - tangible or intangible, the financial cost will depend on the capital investment.

But our aim is to Minimize the financial cost. Isn't it?

Financial Cost as a part of the Manufacturing Cost

Looking to the tough business competition, it has become necessary to take up Manufacturing Cost Reduction as the single most important improvement initiative.? Why?

it's because if you're not able to manufacture high quality products at low cost, you'll not be able to compete in the market place.?

In fact, small improvements will not be enough. You must reduce the manufacturing cost significantly. Then only, you shall have an edge over others.

Capital Investment

When you study the business investments of any process industry, you’ll find the major investments are in expanding the existing manufacturing facilities and building new manufacturing facilities. Right?

So, in order to reduce the financial cost, you must minimize the capital investment. Why?

Because when you reduce the capital investment, the individual components of financial cost like Interest, Depreciation, and other Costs associated with the financing get reduced.

That's why if you're interested in minimizing the financial cost, you've must minimize the capital investment. Of course, you need to do it without compromising on the business aspects like production capacity, product quality, safety, environment, and others.

But how to minimize the capital investment?

We shall get into the details on how to minimize financial cost by reducing the capital investment later.

Production Capacity is Important

The financial cost comes in fixed cost category. That means the total financial cost per annum will remain constant based on what you've invested.

But what does that mean?

So, when you're dealing with Financial Cost, you can reduce it by enhancing the productivity of your manufacturing facility. Why?

Because the total financial cost per annum is fixed. It doesn't matter how much products you're manufacturing per annum.? You've to incur the total financial cost even if you're not manufacturing any product.?? So, if you're able to achieve significant increase in the production per annum, there’ll be significant reduction in the financial cost. Why?

Because to calculate the financial cost component of the manufacturing cost of your products, you've to divide the total financial cost per annum by the total production you're achieving per annum.?

So, the specific manufacturing cost - manufacturing cost per kg - of your product will go down drastically. Isn't it a great way to reduce the manufacturing cost? So, in order to make the financial cost component low, you’ve to increase the production capacity significantly.

But how to increase the production capacity?

You can increase the production capacity of your manufacturing facility by Productivity Improvement.

We shall get into the details on how to reduce financial cost by productivity improvement later.

As we've mentioned earlier, if you want to make your process industry profitable and sustainable, you must focus on Manufacturing Cost Reduction.? Because today it's essential to offer high quality products at low prices in the market. That's how you retain your market leadership.

Minimize the Manufacturing Cost

And that's possible only when you're able minimize the manufacturing costs of your products. But how to do that?

You need to check the major cost components so that you can focus on the areas which can reduce the costs significantly. And that's where minimizing the Financial Cost become important.? Why?

Because the financial cost is one of the major cost components.

But when you get into the details of impact of financial cost on the manufacturing costs of your products, you’ll find an important fact.

The Financial Cost is inversely proportional to the capacity utilization of your manufacturing facility. What does that mean?

If you're able to maximize the capacity utilization and produce maximum volume of your products, The financial cost component will go down. Why?

Because the financial cost comes in fixed cost category. The major part of the financial costs does not depend on the production volume. It remains constant.? That's why the financial cost needs special focus. Why? Because unlike the variable costs, the fixed costs create serious issues.

Let me explain.

As for example, if your production volume is zero, the specific financial cost - financial cost per unit volume of your product will become infinity. What does that mean? You need to be very careful with the financial costs. That’s why minimizing the financial cost is so important.

Isn't it?

But how to do that? For that you must know about its origin. Right?

As we've mentioned earlier, the financial cost is because of your business investments.? Of course, the business investments can be on value added activities or procuring and building business assets - both tangible and intangible. But do you know the major origin?

The major origin of the financial cost is because of the capital investments.

When you expand or modify your existing manufacturing facilities and build new manufacturing facilities, you incur capital investments.

In fact, the capital investment is not only for the tangible assets like It includes the intangible assets like the Process technology and what money you spend in designing, building, and commissioning.

You can also include other one-time business expenditures in the capital investment as they're all fixed expenditures. So, the most important aspect is how to minimize the fixed cost component.

If you can remember what we've discussed earlier, It's the specific financial cost - financial cost per unit volume of your product, we're interested in. Right?

Let's talk about the financial cost because of the capital investment.

What are the individual components of financial cost?

The cost components are Interest, Depreciation, and other Costs associated with the financing.

Now, coming back to the financial cost. In fact, there're two major ways to minimize the specific financial costs:?

  • Minimize the Capital Investment
  • Maximize the Productivity

In the next few paragraphs, we shall get into the details. Stay tuned.

Minimize the Capital Investment

Capital investment is necessary for manufacturing business. Why?

Because you need to do capital investment for expanding or modifying the existing manufacturing facilities and building new manufacturing facilities to manufacture your products.

In fact, you need capital investment for starting your business as well as growing your business.

Manufacturing Facility

Major parts of the manufacturing facility of a process industry will include the following:

  • Storage of Raw Materials
  • Production Facility
  • Solvent Recovery
  • Utility System
  • Electrical Power
  • Water Supply
  • Waste Treatment Facility

When you think of expanding or modifying the existing manufacturing facilities and building new manufacturing facilities to manufacture your products, you must refer to the manufacturing process. Why?

Because at the design stage, everything gets decided and the plant design is based on the manufacturing process.

Process Technology

As far as the process industries are concerned, the manufacturing process gets developed from the laboratory.? And the optimized laboratory process gets Scaled Up to the commercial scale successfully.

Of course, during the scale up process, many aspects get added to the manufacturing process to make it suitable for commercial manufacturing.

But have you noticed one very important fact?

You can always develop the process in the laboratory. But for making your products at large scale, you need a well-designed manufacturing facility.

Naturally the plant design will be based on the manufacturing process. And once the manufacturing process is made suitable for commercial manufacturing, it becomes the process technology or technical know-how.

As a process industry professional, does it make any business sense to you?

As far as the process technology or the technical know-how is concerned, you have two choices.

Either you can develop your own process technology or technical know-how or procure the same from a technology provider.? Of course, both the options have their own plus and minus points.

So, the process technology or technical know-how is important. And it's especially important when we talk about the capital investment.? Why? Because the aim is to minimize the capital investment without compromising on the business objectives.? Isn't it?

Now, let's come back to the plant design. You must ensure that your plant design must do justice to the demands of the process technology or technical know-how.? Why? Because you need to implement the technology in an optimum way to maximize the manufacturing performance.

The designing of the manufacturing facility proceeds through various stages.?

It starts with process development followed by scale-up.? When it comes to the engineering design it's mainly the basic engineering and detailed engineering.

As we've mentioned before our aim is to minimize the capital investment. When it comes to the capital investment some project aspects become important. So, let's get into those details:

Project Location

The location where you're interested in building your manufacturing facility can make a lot of difference. The cost of land as well as the project construction costs will depend on where your project site is.

Of course, you need to consider many relevant business aspects in order to finalize the project location.

But the only requirement is it must be based on integrated optimization.

Material of Construction

Selecting the material of construction is very important in building the manufacturing facilities in process industries.? Why?? Because different type of process equipments and systems are used to carry out the manufacturing processes.

But the materials from which they’re constructed will depend upon the characteristics of the process materials handled and the process conditions maintained. It's essential to avoid corrosion in order to ensure long life of the plant hardware.

And when it comes to the capital investment, the material of construction makes a significant difference. Why?

Because sometimes the process requirements compel you to use process equipment and machinery made out of exotic materials of construction. In most of the cases, they're highly expensive.

As a result, the capital investment goes up significantly. The only solution is to go for design based on integrated optimization involving your process development function to the maximum extent.

Equipment Design & Procurement

The process equipments, systems, and machinery are the most important part of your manufacturing facility. Naturally, the designing of the process equipments, systems, and machinery is the most important function of the plant design.? Right?

But sometimes the process conditions make the designing difficult. Why?

Because if the process parameters involve extreme conditions, it creates design problems. When very high or very low temperature conditions are used or the process demands very high vacuum or very high pressure, you have to go for special designs.? You need specialized technically complex equipments, machinery, and systems which makes the plant design and operation difficult.

And naturally, these special process equipments, systems, and machinery are very expensive. And the result will be high capital investment.

To reduce the capital investment, you need to go for design based on integrated optimization and explore the possibility of modifying the manufacturing process conditions. But involving your process development function is a must.

Another important way to minimize the capital investment is optimizing the suppliers.

You need to optimize the vendors for procuring high quality process equipments, systems, and machinery at reasonable prices. So, the vendor development becomes important.?

Normally the indigenously available process equipments, systems, and machinery cost less. But in some cases, you'll not have any other choice than to go for imported ones. An optimum mix based on extensive designing and evaluation can add value.

Scale Of Operation

Irrespective of the process industries and the product ranges, there's always optimum manufacturing capacity in large scale manufacturing.

When you manufacture your products, you're interested in minimizing the capital investment and maximizing the manufacturing performance. When you talk of maximizing the manufacturing performance, you mean low manufacturing cost, improved product quality, and enhanced production capacity. Right?

So, there's an optimum manufacturing capacity.? That's what is the optimum scale of operation.

Of course, the scale of operation will change from industry to industry and product to product. With most of the projects, when you build your manufacturing facility, the specific capital investment is lower.

But what is specific capital investment?

The specific capital investment has to do with the return on investment. Why?

Because you need to invest more to build larger manufacturing facilities.? But the manufacturing capacity will be higher. You're getting more product output.? So, when you compare the production with respect to the capital investment, you'll find you're investing less with a larger manufacturing facility.

Are you getting the point?

You need not create many small manufacturing facilities. One single large manufacturing facility is enough. Of course, you need to consider many relevant business aspects before deciding on the optimum scale of operation.

Irrespective of whether you're interested in new projects or expansion and modifications of your existing manufacturing facility, you need to apply this concept. It'll help you in minimizing the capital investment and bring down the financial cost.

Minimizing the capital investment is challenging but most rewarding. But you need to consider many business aspects with respect to technical, financial, and marketing functions.

The inputs can come from many sources.? In fact, learning from the experience and expertise of your own business can add tremendous value. Involving experienced industry experts at process development and design stage can make a lot of difference. And you must ensure design optimization based on process simplification and considering long term view.

And above all, you need an efficient Project Engineering and Management Function to do justice to the challenging assignment.

Improve the Productivity

As we’ve discussed earlier, productivity improvement is a powerful tool to reduce the financial cost. Of course, for other fixed costs also it’s equally beneficial.

There’re various ways available to achieve this important objective. However, we shall get into the details of the major ones.

The manufacturing processes used in process industries convert raw materials into finished products. So, when you talk about the productivity in process industries, the product yield becomes important. Why?

Because the product yield is the ratio of the quantity of the finished product you get out of the raw materials you use.

So, you must improve the product yield. Right?

Make the Product Yield Excellent

When you achieve excellent product yield, the raw materials getting converted into the finished products efficiently. Which means you produce more products in the existing manufacturing facility.?

And when you manufacture more products using the same resources, the productivity of your manufacturing facility is getting enhanced without the cost of additional resources.

Isn’t it a very efficient way to enhance the productivity?

When it comes to the product yields you can be put them into four different categories:

  • Excellent Product Yield – When you’re able to achieve a product yield 95% or more, you can consider it to be excellent.
  • Good Product Yield - If you’re able to achieve a product yield 90% or more but less than 95%, you can consider it to be good.
  • Average Product Yield – When you get a product yield more than 80% but less than 90%, you can consider it to be average.
  • Poor Product Yield – When you get a yield less than 80%, you can consider it to be poor. The matter is serious.

If the yields you’re achieving are in average or poor category, you’ve got ample opportunity to improve the productivity by improving the product yield. Right?

But how to improve the product yield?

The major improvement initiatives you can implement are mentioned below:

  • Optimization of the Molecular Conversion Processes - Optimize the molecular conversion with respect to the impurity generation and byproduct formation to improve the conversion. It’s especially useful for the molecular conversion-based process industries.
  • Optimization of the separation and Purification Processes - Optimize the separation and purification processes with respect to the separation and purification efficiencies. It becomes more important for the process industries where the manufacturing processes are based on product recovery.
  • Avoid Product Degradation – It’s very important to avoid the product degradation completely or at least minimize it in all parts of the manufacturing process. You need to maintain the process conditions optimum for the molecule.

Irrespective of your product range, the plant operation is responsible for manufacturing the products. So efficient plant operation becomes necessary for productivity improvement…

Make the Plant Operation Efficient

You’re using the manufacturing processes in your manufacturing facility day in day out.

But do you know how efficient they’re?

Because unless the plant operations are efficient, you can’t expect the desired output. Right?

But how to do that?

When you monitor the plant operations closely and analyze the plant data, you’ll be able to find the gaps. All the plant operations are important. Once you find the gaps you do something about them. However, as all the critical manufacturing functions are interdependent, you need to go for integrated optimization.

If you’re interested in productivity improvement you can consider using the technical tools:

  • Statistical Data Analysis – It’s very difficult to analyze the voluminous information you’re generating in the plant. Software based statistical data analysis is very effective in analyzing the plant data and finding the gaps. Once the gaps are identified technical intervention can plug them and make improvements.
  • Optimizing the Unit Processes & Unit Operations – Different unit processes and the unit operations are utilized in the plant operation. The optimization methods are specific to the unit processes and the unit operations used. But once you implement the optimization initiatives, the manufacturing operation becomes efficient.
  • Effective Mixing - Most of the manufacturing processes used in process industries, can’t work without mixing operation. In fact, effective mixing systems are essential for making critical manufacturing processes efficient.? That’s how effective mixing helps in productivity improvement.

When you get into the details of your manufacturing facility, you’ll find different sections do different processes. So, unless the capacities of all sections match, you can’t expect enhanced output. That’s why the plant debottlenecking becomes important…

Debottleneck the Manufacturing Facility

As we’ve discussed, different sections of a chemical manufacturing facility, carry out critical production functions. So, in order to maximize the productivity every section must perform at similar capacities.

But what’ll happen if one or two components are weak – not able to perform as per the requirement?

The performance of your manufacturing system will get affected badly. Naturally, you can’t expect optimum output. So, in order to maximize the production system performance, you need to rectify the gaps and make all the components of the production system strong.

That’s nothing but Plant Debottlenecking!

But how to debottleneck the plant?

The plant debottlenecking process involves three stages:

Evaluate the Production System

Divide the product manufacturing process into critical sections based on unit processes and unit operations. They’ll form the components of the production system. In order to enhance the production capacity, you need to evaluate the production section performance.

Preliminary evaluation will provide indication about the problem areas. Focus on them. Study the performance details of the areas where the specific outputs are very less in order to identify the bottlenecks…

Identify the Bottlenecks

In order to identify the bottlenecks, you need to get into more details. If you want to make the manufacturing processes efficient, you must ensure that the engineering matches perfectly with the process demands. Why?

Because if the process demands are not met effectively the running the manufacturing processes under optimum condition becomes difficult. Manufacturing problems arise here and there. And local rectifications are carried out. And with time they develop into production bottlenecks.

Finally, you need to debottleneck the manufacturing facility.

Debottleneck the Manufacturing Facility

Once you’ve identified the bottlenecks, focus on the areas where the value addition potential is high and time and investment requirements are low. Ideally first go for the areas where you can get some production capacity enhancement quickly without investing much.

It’s possible to achieve significant debottlenecking by modification of the process flow or equipment and system modifications. If you study the debottlenecking process closely, you’ll find it’s nothing but matching the engineering with the process demands.

When it comes to the productivity, the process parameters play very important role in the production, you need to maintain the process parameters in optimum level.

Maintain Process Parameters at Optimum Level

Manufacturing processes use different unit processes and different unit operations. But each unit process or unit operation can perform only when the process conditions are optimum.

But the question is: are you maintaining the process parameters in the optimum range?

Then what is the variation and range? When you’re interested in maximizing the production capacity, you need to maintain the process parameters in close range.

But how to do that?

That’s where the advanced process instrumentation and control system comes into the picture. These software-based systems are powerful enough to maintain the process parameters in close range.

However, the equipment must be capable and utility supply is proper. Why?

Because the process instrumentation and control system can only measure the process parameters and provide control signals for the correction of the parameters. But if the equipment is not capable to bring about the change, the correction will not happen.

So, you need to ensure three aspects:

  • Install Software based advanced process instrumentation and control systems.
  • Ensure process equipment efficiency so that they’re capable of meeting the process demands.
  • Efficient utility generation, supply and distribution are important to satisfy the process demands.

In any process industry, the process equipments are very important. That’s why for productivity enhancement you need to utilize the equipments maximally…

Utilize the Equipments Efficiently

It’s the process equipments because of which commercial scale chemical manufacturing becomes possible. But when you talk about the production capacity, their utilization is of utmost importance. Why?

Because the production capacity of any manufacturing facility is directly proportional to the number and sizes of the process equipments. But it’s possible only when they’re utilized to the maximum extent.

So, when you’re able to maximize the utilization of the process equipment in the right way, you can achieve significant improvement in the production capacity.

Let’s see how to do that:

  • Utilize the Equipment Capacity : Are you utilizing the capacities of the process equipments to the maximum extent? You may be partially utilizing the volumes of the process equipments because of various reasons. So what is necessary is to identify the gaps and plug them. That how you can achieve maximum capacity utilization.
  • Making the Equipment Available : Having sufficient process equipments in place is not enough. They must be free for process operation. If there’re constraints, you need to get into the details and address them in an optimum way. Then only you can make them useful for production.
  • Utility Usage : You need to study the utility requirements of individual process equipments and optimize the manufacturing operations in order to smoothen out the utility requirements.
  • Engineering Maintenance : Equipment breakdowns have serious effect on equipment availability. Reliability based engineering maintenance is very effective in keeping the process equipments in operating condition.

Let’s Conclude

When you want to make your Process Industry profitable and sustainable, you must Minimize the Manufacturing Cost. Why?

It's because reducing the manufacturing cost of your products significantly, is the single most important improvement initiative to make your Business Efficient.

Now, the question is: what is the best way to achieve significant improvements? And how to make it quickly and effectively in your manufacturing business?

That's where the Process industry innovations comes into the picture. Process industry innovations are powerful enough to reduce the manufacturing cost of your products significantly.

In fact, once you implement the innovation initiatives in your manufacturing business covering all the critical functions, you yourself will be convinced that it results in significant improvements.

But just talking about minimizing the manufacturing costs of your products, doesn't serve any purpose. Why?

Because unless you're clear about which area to focus on, you’ll not be able to improve the things.

To be specific, we're talking about the Financial Cost.

When you study the cost components of the products you're manufacturing, you’ll find?? that the Financial Cost is of major importance. Let's focus on Minimizing the Financial Cost. Right?

When it comes to Minimizing the Financial Cost, you've got two options:

  • Minimize the Capital Investment
  • Enhance the Productivity

Minimize the Capital Investment

Some powerful innovation initiatives you can implement are mentioned below:

  • Go for the Best Available Process Technology
  • Material of Construction is Important.
  • Optimize the Equipment Design and Procurement.
  • Optimum Scale of Operation can add value.

Efficient project engineering and management Function is Essential to Minimize the Capital Investment and make the Project Successful.

Enhance the Productivity

Some powerful innovation initiatives you can implement are mentioned below:

  • Make the Product Yield Excellent.
  • Make the Plant Operation Efficient.
  • Debottleneck the Manufacturing Facility
  • Maintain the Process Parameters at Optimum Level
  • Utilize the Equipments Efficiently.

Effective Implementation of the Process Innovation Initiatives Can Improve the Productivity Significantly.

But implementing the improvement initiatives for financial cost reduction effectively, is challenging. It calls for industrial experience and techno-economic expertise.

Perhaps you can consider taking the help of Industry Experts to make the process fast and effective.

What is your experience in implementing the Improvement Projects for Financial Cost Reduction, in your Manufacturing Business?


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