How might we transform Obama's symbolic capitalism that set the stage for Trump's MAGA movement and Project 2025 into a substantive Project 2029?
Project 2029

How might we transform Obama's symbolic capitalism that set the stage for Trump's MAGA movement and Project 2025 into a substantive Project 2029?

Updated episodically based on feedback 2/28/2025

As equity muses, we empower people to explore the ethically complexities of cultivating moral imagination and virtues about how to co-create a fair, free, and flourishing future on a regenerating planet to benefit all.

Equity meta-governance is our Ultimate Meta-process for Humanity (UMH). Cultivating equity meta-governance involves co-creating fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards on a regenerating planet to benefit all.

The rhodium rule of equity meta-governance is to be fair and kind to all people, the planet, nature, animals, plants, and soil.

Cultivating equity meta-governance involves building launching pads for the Equity Moonshot story movement: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable future.

  • How might we cultivate an ethical AI-enabled neo-learning revolution by asking Socratic questions to co-create generative-strategic dialogues for cultivating equity meta-governance?

This transformational inquiry process opens, challenges, inspires and aligns our mindsets to develop and implement Project 2029 to undo Project 2025.

March of Jan 6th 2026 on anti-insurrection day: #MakeAmericanTruthfulAgain.

  • How might we, as equity muses and emancipated citizens, ask ethical questions to co-create generative-strategic dialogues about doing good for the commons, humanity, the common good, the well-being of all life, and the health of our planet?

This noble question of open inquiry calls for developing the virtues to build the middle ground of our shared humanity and not let the tribalism of our conflicting values systems tear us apart.

The process of building middle ground on an ethical foundation of virtues reduces the need to build bridges across the chasms of our conflicting and competing values systems that set up our cancel culture wars driven by the neo-terrorism of disinformation, dysfunctional polarizations, and toxic divisiveness.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words, with a sociopathic disregard for the integrity of transparent accountability and truth-seeking.

The absolute libertarian cry for uncensored free speech provides the immoral permission slip for political schoolyard bullies to perpetrate and perpetuate the psychopathic love fest in politics: a shit show in the toxic cesspool of the immoral abyss.

The USA is the best corrupt crony democracy in the world that pro-actively attracts applicants with Asocial Leadership Personality Disorder with these incompetent character flaw requirements: pathological megalomania, malignant narcissism, incessant sociopathy, autocratic authoritarianism, and sadistic destruction.

The na?ve practices of spirituality and moral religions, such as cultivating virtues of loving kindness, transcendence, and tolerance, are insufficient to call in and call out the neo-terrorism of psychopathic love fest driven by politicians, plutocratic billionaires and think tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation that set up Project 2025 in the USA and the Atlas Network globally.

We need a constellation of virtues, such as moral courage, bold humility, radical candor, tough love, compassion, honesty, integrity, truth-seeking and transparent accountability, to reign in the neo-terrorist propaganda machines that set up psychopathic love fests and enable strongmen with ALPD to raise to the highest levels of power.

This dire state of unethical affairs calls for redressing the dysfunctional oscillating politic dynamics politics that is devoid of a constellation of virtues to guide us out of the immoral political quagmire of our meta-crisis of system power abuse dynamics.

  • How might we avoid bouncing between political extremes to build the middle ground and enable the middle majority to bounce forward to cultivate equity meta-governance?

Bounce forward

Click on the link to listen to the song #BounceForward

Verse 1:

Wild pendulum swinging, flying,

To the left and right, tearing us apart,

Kind friends become ardent enemies,

When will identity politics, toxic divisiveness, end?

How might we effectively deploy political activism to restore our democracy and our constitutional republic?

As equity muses, we use ethical questions to challenge the traditional wisdom of peace-making strategies for redressing the constitutional degradation of our republic and the corrupt crony demise of our democracy. Our political cesspool has fallen victim to systemic psychopathy.

This pathological situation calls for political activism to disrupt the dysfunctional disruption of the status quo. We can learn much from the political activism of the AID's act-out campaign to revive human rights for all and shift cultural norms toward regenerating our humanity.

As Socratic sherpas, we can use a blend of calling in, calling out, and paradoxical interventions to destabilize our dysfunctional polarizations that perpetrate and perpetuate toxic divisiveness. These interventions are double-edge swords. Conflict avoidant peace-makers recoil from using such interventions.

We need a way of talking about the elephant in the room. The elephant is the alt-right propaganda machines marketing their fool-aid and inducing the cult trance of Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis (#DTMP).

DTMP is akin to calling out school yard bullies running amok, creating toxic learning environments, and inducing PTSD: persistent Trump stress disorder.

The "unwokeness" of the DTMP describes a complex sociopolitical phenomenon. We need such a label to call out ethical transgressions, not with vindictive blaming, shaming, and humiliation, but in the compassionate spirit and integrity of candor, truth-seeking, transparent accountability.

How might we:

  • Co-create calling in, calling out, and paradoxical interventions that do not fall into the na?ve trap of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler?
  • Use the label of Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis akin to calling in and calling out school yard bullies in accountable ways that also heal the deep root causes of their toxic and traumatizing behaviors?
  • Awaken the unwoke of their blind unconditional loyalty and rigid conformity to a psychopathic leader?
  • Drain the toxic cesspool of disinformation, dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness?

The creation of these strategies calls for understanding the constraints imposed by symbolic capitalism.

How might we overcome the ineffectiveness of symbolic capitalism?

Symbolic capitalism is about professional elites grooming their status and progressive ideas as a type of social wealth. The rhetoric of these privileged leaders, such as hospital CEOs, professors and executives of non-profit organizations, claims to create equity, but their inactions made little difference in rectifying unfair systems in place.

Symbolic capitalists care about doing social good for public relations, but such "woke-washing" makes no actual deep long-lasting substantive changes and enables neoliberalism to perpetrate and perpetuate escalating inequities.

AI elaborates on the moral hypocrisy of symbolic capitalism.

This rhetorical hypocrisy of symbolic capitalism does not build the political, economic, legal, social and educational systems to cultivate equity meta-governance.

The current neo-terrorist reign of the Trump-Musk folie-en-deux and the disinformation plague of alt-right propaganda machines are the regressive driving forces for the autocratic rise of authoritarian tyranny that violates the Statue of Liberty

The assassination of the D.E.I. is just one systemic example of exacerbating #BIPID issues: Biases, Isms, Prejudices, Inequities and Discrimination.

What's even worse is Trump's pro-Putin and anti-Nato stance against Ukraine. The USA joined the strongmen states of Russia, North Korea, Belarus, Israeli, and Hungry by voting against a UN resolution condemning Russian aggression and supporting peace in Ukraine.

Listen to the #KingTrumptheTurd parody song about white dudes becoming commie Trumpsters.

  • How might we emancipate ourselves from the mass cult indoctrination of propaganda machines and develop as open-minded, truth-seeking, virtuous free-thinkers to good for all?

This question calls for transforming our mass media and social media practices of high-fidelity content journalism by telling people "what to think" and not "how to think."

How might we break through our ethical neo-cortical veneer to:

  • Move beyond the journalistic (wo)mansplaining of ineffective symbolic capitalism?
  • Co-construct democratic substance within our failing political systems to make amends?
  • Cultivate the integrity and fidelity of equity meta-governance to transform and align our mindsets for designing moral systems?
  • Evoke the commie-sympathizing Putin-Trumpsters to think for themselves instead of regurgitating alt-right tropes, propaganda memes and irrational projections?
  • Detox alt-right populism and Christian nationalism from #DontheCon's fool-aid?
  • Break the cult trance of blind unconditional loyalty and goose-stepping conformity?
  • Unravel the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis?
  • Implode the BIG LIES?
  • End the intrasurrection: the destruction of democracy from within its elected officials?

Use ethical questions for emancipation, not indoctrination

Ethical questions challenge us to learn how to think critically, but not what to think.

The headline question poses an ethical paradox about how the hypocrisy of symbolic capitalism promotes the noble aspirations of equity but cannot design substantive systemic transformations needed to cultivate equity meta-governance:

AI elaborates on the meaning and implications of this ethical question, along with a cascade of questions.

Click on this link to explore the meaning and implications of these additional questions.

How might we:

  • Frame Obama's "YES WE CAN" campaign as progressive symbolic capitalism?
  • View Obama's campaign as a marketing charade of symbolic capitalism?
  • Recognize Obama's shallow marketing campaign of YES WE CAN as a misguided clarion call, audacious HOPE AS DOPE?
  • Understand Obama's campaigns as symbolic capitalism's empty promises?
  • Explore how Obama's empty promises enabled the rise of the Putin-commie Trumpster movement?
  • Connect Obama's progressive agenda failures (such as economic discontent and social backlash) as the undercurrent forces driving to the rise of MAGA Trumpism and the development Project 2025?

I hope. Yes,we can!

  • How did Trump capitalize on Obama's progressive agenda failures and Biden failures to claim his substance successes to catapult the MAGA populist movement to a second Trump presidency?

  • How might we reframe D.E.I. as E.L.J (Equity, Liberty, Justice) to cultivate equity meta-governance and guide the development of Project 2029?

  • How might Obama help to catalyze the Project 2029 movement to end the tyranny of Project 2025 and the MAGA reign of commie Trumpsters?

Uses ethical questions in Zoom calls and in-person workshops

Ideally, people should read these questions and explore the AI output responses before engaging group dialogue sessions, in the self-reflective spirit of slow thinking, to learn how to transform our mindsets, collaborating within beloved learning communities.

Reflection questions about AI outputs

  • Where do you agree and disagree with the AI responses? What’s missing?
  • What additional questions do you have?
  • What do you feel inspired to discuss?

How might we bend our immoral dystopian arc toward an ethical utopian future with a Project 2029 to end the tyranny of Project 2025?

March on Jan 6th 2026: anti-insurrection day. Make America Truthful Again and unravel Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis to end the Big Lies. Cultivate equity meta-governance to develop Project 2029.

C Isa Kocher

Creative Consultation

3 天前

after hisc election night and before his inauguration obama went outof his way tomake clear to everyone concerned he was about as progressive as Calvin Coolidge and his main aim as president was repeal of Social Security including Medicare, and mass ethnic cleaning/genocidal military action as foreign policy forgiving CIA torture and destruction of its evidence: obstruction of justice.

Todd Wolf

Zooming In & Zooming Out w/ 360 Degrees of 360 Degree Perspectives: Picking out Novelty @ the Right Level of Abstraction

3 天前

Clueless analysis … or Progressive Administrative State attitude and mindset interpreted and expressed. Hopefully the Trump Administration will render your Marxist Progressive Musings as irrelevant as Joy Reid’s Racial Ranting.



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