Ask #COP27 leaders #BHAQs: how might we use radical candor and compassion as our wake-up calls to liberate ourselves from our neoliberal addiction?
Rick Botelho
Unite Equity Muses | Ask ethical questions about co-designing a fair-free-flourishing future
Peer-reviewed work-in-progress. Candor appreciated. Updated episodically based on feedback.
Big hairy audacious questions (BHAQs) challenge our mindsets. They can trigger our emotional reactivity and provide self-reflection opportunities to explore how our beliefs, values and perspectives pre-determine our thoughts, feelings, biases and actions. Self-reflection can open doors to new lines of inquiries, thinking and insights for collaborative learning and transformation. Enjoy musing over the BHAQs if you can find the time for slow thinking.
UN chief António Guterres issued a stark warning at COP27 about our "Highway to Climate Hell." This rhetoric is as effective as telling an alcoholic to stop drinking. Dire warnings about climate change are like water off of a duck’s back.?
Global warming is the delirious fever of malevolent megalomania. Treating the fever does not cure the deep root causes for our inept governance, unethical stewardship, incompetent leadership, the hegemonic abuses of power and the corporate tyranny of neoliberalism that subverts and sabotages the integrity of virtues and democracies.
Neoliberalism is the cut-throat competitive, market-driven, extractive and exploitative shareholder capitalism that minimizes, circumvents and obstructs regulations and transparent accountability to serve the greater good. The unadulterated mantra of neoliberalism is "greed is good, profit maximization is the greatest."
These narcissistic and sociopathic calls to action have no regard to the commons, humanity, the common good and the health of the planet. We are in states of denial about our neoliberal addiction, because we are enamored by the seductive short-termism of hyper-consumerism while ignoring the long-termism of mass waste production, environmental degradation and planetary demise. Neoliberalism has relegated us to transactional consuming machines and impaired our sacred inspirations of becoming virtuous human beings,
These deep root causes of these virulent weeds perpetrate and perpetuate our complex web of self-inflicted problems in the 21st-century. These poisonous weeds abuse power and inflict untold traumas. Regrettably, we are in states of unwokeness (unawareness of unawareness) and denials about the pandemics of unrecognized human suffering.
To thwart the overgrowth of these virulent weeds, we need to cultivate the virtuous interdependencies of regenerative ecologies (such as the interconnected governance of politics, public policies, the law, economics, and architecture) to solve our wicked problems.
The fury of "talking heads" preaching about the devastations of neoliberal addiction, such as Al Gore's speech at COP27, do not heal the spiritual voids of moral inactions and hypocrisies.
These gargantuan challenges call for radical candor and compassion in co-developing complex learning interventions to address how our neoliberal addiction marginalizes commonholders.
Commonholder has a new definition to address civic responsibilities. Commonholders do good for the commons, humanity, the common good and the health of the planet. Commonholders include all citizens. This inclusive concept redresses the colonial legacies of stakeholders.
Equity muses ask BHAQs to cultivate flourishing story movements about EquityMoonshot: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative and sustainable future.
How might we, the people:
Neoliberalism is unregulated by any open transparent accountability for the greater good.
How might COP27 leaders:
Neoliberal hubris is an economic driving force of social irresponsibility and a soulless God of materialism.
How might #COP27?leaders:
BHAQs aim to open, inspire and align our mindsets to work on the Equity Moonshot quest.
How might we:
Learn more about how to become an equity muse and ask BHAQs.
20+ yrs leadership in healthcare management & research. Expertise in DEI, gender, trauma, IPC, chronic disease, public health, rural health, and women's health. Professional & community outreach & education.
2 年We need to talk about controlling the human population and restoring natural habitats.