How might we emancipate MLK's virtuous spirit to unravel Project 2025, Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis, and the alt-right cult trance of the BIG LIE?

How might we emancipate MLK's virtuous spirit to unravel Project 2025, Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis, and the alt-right cult trance of the BIG LIE?

Use AI-enabled neo-learning

This headline question calls for using MLK's virtuous spirit to illuminate the political ego-shadows and dark sides of degenerating our corrupt, crony democracy into a dysfunctional democracy that risks becoming an authoritarian autocracy.

AI-exploration of AI-avoidant biases in addressing the ethical meaning and implications of the headline question.

Without thriving, high-functioning participatory democracies, we will not bend the arc of our dystopian trajectory toward a practical utopian of co-creating a fair-free-flourishing future on a regenerating planet.

  • How might we develop AI-enabled neo-learning to expand our curiosity horizons of inquiry, open-mindedness, and co-creativity to understand the meaning and implications of ethical questions to bend the arc of our dystopian future toward a practical utopia based on cultivating equity meta-governance?

AI-exploration about the meaning and implications of the ethical question.

This communitarian and global question calls for develop AI-enabled neo-learners to create, understand, and address ethical questions that explore the complex interfaces of ethics, politics, and AI.

Ethics, politics, and AI are inseparable

Focusing on AI ethics without addressing politics is unethical. This calls for developing ecological frameworks of ethical questions at the meta, macro, meso, and micro-levels to provide the moral guidance for developing the virtues to co-create robust, high-functioning political systems that serve working families and not just the elites.

Discuss the song, Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis?(#DTMP)

#DTMP is a political diagnosis to describe the indoctrination of delusional beliefs, induced by the fool-aid addictions to alt-right social and mainstream media propaganda.

  • How might we zoom out to integrate the ethics of equity meta-governance and AI ethics to align the political, public, private sectors to unravel Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis and break the alt-right cult trance of BIG LIE?

This political question about mass indoctrination calls for creating ethical questions, memes, tropes, and songs to challenge and open closed mindsets at cultural and individual levels.

AI-elaboration about the meaning and implications of this ethical question. Lyrics by author. Suno music and voice created by using prompts.

Click on link to listen to #DerangedTrumpMassPsychosis.

Muse over ethical questions

Ethical questions enable us to explore and discover the cultural complexities of making moral transformations.

Take time for slow thinking, self-reflection, and mindful contemplation, enabled by AI-enabled neo-learning, to co-create generative-strategic dialogues within coordinated networks of beloved learning communities about how to respond to ethical questions.

This dozen cascade of ethical questions represents lifelong intergenerational learning journeys for all of us.

How might we unleash the creativity of AI-enabled neo-learning to:

  1. Cultivate equity meta-governance: co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet?
  2. Launch Equity Moonshot: co-design and build an equitable, regenerative, and sustainable future?
  3. Do good for the commons, humanity, the common good, and the well-being of all life, and regenerate the planet, using the indigenous wisdom of Pachamama and the modern wisdom of Gaia?
  4. Integrate the ethics of equity meta-governance into the ethics of AI?
  5. Use the virtue propositions of the public sector to guide and navigate through the conflicting value propositions of the private and political sectors, without the toxic divisiveness of dysfunctional polarization?
  6. Develop the progressive, constructive creativity of the 2029 Project to deconstruct the regressive, destructive creativity of the 2025 Project?
  7. Co-create AI-enabled health-promoting and well-being systems to reduce escalating inequities?
  8. Design AI systems that instantly detect and identify all sources of misinformation and disinformation in social media and mainstream comments, posts, and articles, generating reputational trust scores for contributors?
  9. Unwoke the unwoke about the alt-right propaganda machines?
  10. Unravel the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis and break the cult trance of the BIG LIE?
  11. Enable people to develop as open-minded, truth-seeking, virtuous free thinkers capable of collaborating to solve our complex entanglement of self-inflected wicked problems?
  12. Prevent corporations and businesses from falling into the reductionist trap of focusing only on the amoral-immoral, short-term, transactional bottom-lines and losing sight of the moral, long-term, transformational top-lines?

The emperor has no clothes

Trump is the greatest political con artist of all time.

#DontheCon is the mastermind marketing maverick of paranoia, fear, hate, anger, and outrage. As the supreme emotional savant of alt-right propaganda, he routinely plays the high-stakes game of using paradoxical projective interventions to evoke the amygdala-reptilian brain to manipulate and control the minds of his sycophant loyalists on the one hand and to incapacitate the minds of his opponents who are ineffective in speaking to truth to immoral power.

One of Trump's mastermind marketing strokes was to exploit Charles Krauthammer's conceptualization of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). This pejorative label describes the intense negative reactions against DontheCon's policies and his hard-core MAGA supporters.

MAGA supporters claim that the hysterical reactions of snowflake lib-retards impair their judgment, logic and reason. This trope has been a highly effective way to delegitimize concerns about Trump's derangement.

The TDS trope puts his opponents in a locked-down defensive mode by maximizing dysfunctional polarizations and toxic divisiveness. This "divide-and-conquer" strategy atomizes and disables his opponents from developing counteractive narratives to deconstruct the alt-right propaganda playbook.

#TrumpFascistClown goes on the aggressive offense by accusing his opposition of his own faults. He paralyses opponents by inducing a counter-cult state of conflict avoidance.

He co-opts his disabled opponents to enable the MAGA fool-aid addiction. The passivity of his atomized opponents becomes accomplices to the cause of alt-right propaganda war by inducing silence.

The perils of the silent middle majority

The following MLK's quotes speak powerfully about the political silence of avoiding the ethics of injustices.

  • In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
  • The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.
  • There comes a time when silence is betrayal.
  • He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.
  • He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.

MLK equates the silent acceptance of injustices to enabling participation in the ethical dereliction of moral responsibilities.

  • How might we develop relationship and communication skills to build bridges across the dysfunctional polarization chasm of toxic divisiveness driven by the political and religious tribalisms of self-righteous fundamentalism?

AI-elaboration about the meaning and implications of this question.

AI-summary about meaning and implications of this question

Bridge the

A call for compassion, radical candor, and the bold humility of tough love

MLK is metaphorically turning in his grave about the ethical decay, the moral demise, and virtuous corruption of the US republic and constitution, comparing the 1960s to 2020s, under the MAGA flag of fake patriotism.

The US duolopy is in a downward spiral into the immoral abyss: the cesspool swamp of alt-right extremism driven by the alt-right cult of the BIG LIE, Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis, self-righteous fundamentalism of Christian Nationalism, and Project 2025.

  • How we develop networks of progressive organizations to develop Project 2029 to cultivate equity meta-governance and launch Equity Moonshot?

AI-inquiries into these questions.

  • What are the similarities and differences in ethical challenges and moral dilemmas faced by the US in the 2020s as compared to the 1960s?
  • How have specific trends or policies justify the perception of the ethical decay, the moral demise and virtuous corruption of our political duolopy from 1960s to 2020s?
  • What are the main political, ethical, moral, social and economic dilemmas faced by the US in the 2020s compared to the 1960s?
  • In what ways has the practice and implementation of US Constitution strengthened or deteriorated in terms of ethical and moral principles and practice from the 1960s to 2020s?

The USA is no longer a democratic republic. It is a rigged neoliberal duolopy corrupted by the plutocratic avarice of pathological megalomania and the cult influencers driven by malignant narcissism. Our corrupt crony democracies serve the plutocratic elites to the disadvantages of working families.

Declare January 6th #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain:

Imagine Jan 6th as Equity Day for Freedom and Justice. This calls for reclaiming the true meaning of the word equity. The alt-right propaganda machines trigger the red reject reflex button by disparaging equity with the pejorative labels of Marxism, communism and socialism. They have turned DEI into a Salem witch hunt. This speaks to the powerful paranoia of McCarthyism.

Equity is the virtue of fairness and justice. Equity liberates freedom for all.

Equity is?not?about equal treatment or equal outcomes. Equity ensures that each of us, according to our needs, has fair opportunities to strive and thrive to our highest potential of healthy well-being within a beloved learning community.

Equity meta-governance is about co-creating fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet.

Equity is about cultivating diverse talents, capabilities, and capacities to serve the greater good. Equity is about emancipating opportunities and unlimited possibilities.

MLK Quotes about the inequities of proverty

MLK did not make clear the distinctions between inequality and inequity. AI-explores this assertion.

Modified quote

Of all the forms of injustices, inequity in political, economic, educational,. health and social opportunities are the most disparate and inhuman because they set up systemic biases, isms, prejudices, inequalities, and discrimination in the land of liberty and freedom.

MLK quotes related to the inequities of poverty

  • The evils of (neoliberal) capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and the evils of racism.
  • God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty.
  • As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars.
  • There is nothing new about poverty. What is new, however, is that we have the resources to get rid of it.
  • The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.
  • It's all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstrap.

Unravel Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis (#DTMP)

#DTMP?is the cult trance of blind unconditional loyalty induced by the fool-aid addictions to paranoia-fear-hate-anger-outrage.. The neo-terrorism of disinformation perpetrates and perpetuates DTMP to con unwoke MAGA working families to work against their own best self-interests, without their awareness.?

#Neoterrorism?is the propaganda war of words with psychopathic disregard for the integrity of truth-seeking and transparent accountability. Neo-terrorists play to win at any cost with no mercy or ethical fibers to serve their pathological megalomania to serve their avarice and malignant narcissism to serve their ego shadows. Anything goes, assisted by autocratic authoritarianism, to exploit people, opportunities, and the planet. The winner takes all.?

The alt-right propaganda playbook over activates the limbic-reptilian to disable the neocortical brain of rational and critical thinking, inducing regressive states of gullibility and self-righteous fundamentalism:?I’m right, you’re wrong, I’m good, you’re evil. Mob rule wins the election.

The hallmark of Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis is holding onto the delusional belief in the BIG LIE and denying or minimizing the January 6th insurrection.?

AI-exploration?on the meaning and implications of this paragraph.

To unravel Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis, we must make ethical discernments between inflicting toxic divisiveness to destroy political opponents and cultivating ethical divisiveness to de-construct the dysfunctional polarizations that undermine equity, justice, liberty and our democracy.

AI-explanation?about the meaning and implications of this paragraph.

  • How might we co-elevate the virtuous spirit of Martin Luther King to use the radical candor of ethical truth-seeking and the bold humility of moral activism to break the alt-right cult trance of the BIG LIE and unravel Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis??

AI-elaboration?about the meaning and implications of these questions.

Frans Versteeg

Board Advisor | Change Architect | Keynote Speaker | Chairman Tamatta Foundation

1 个月

Dear Rick, so absolutely right. The speech and the show was surreal -please llow me to use this word - a real gotspe. The 47th president representing MLK? You do need a lot of nerve, or simply unconsciousness. Today’s inauguration was truly amazing, surreal and insightful. Thank you so much for sharing. Best, Frans

Gary Riccio, Ph.D.

Deep Tech for Human Health & Performance ◆ Open Strategy-Execution ◆ Demand-Side Innovation ◆ Translational Research

1 个月

This bizarre juxtaposition of MLK day with the non sequitur of ceding power to an insurrectionist is pregnant with possibilities for societal self-reflection. Perhaps counterintuitively, a time and place of shameless individualistic authoritarianism brings into sharp relief our own individuals choices. As MLK's mentor noted "after all the extenuating circumstances of life have been exhausted, there is I... the fact, my fact... and the ultimate source of my power." (The Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman)


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