How might we redress the propaganda lies, tall tales, and disinformation in President Trump's neo-terrorist State of our Dis-Union?
President Trump's neo-terrorist State of Dis-Union Address

How might we redress the propaganda lies, tall tales, and disinformation in President Trump's neo-terrorist State of our Dis-Union?

We can use the good of AI-enabled neo-learning to cultivate equity meta-governance to speak truth to the abuses of power.

  • How can we call in and call out strategies to advocate for a progressive Project 2029 to undo the regressive Project 2025?

Equity meta-governance is the Ultimate Meta-process for Humanity (UMH): co-create fair rules, fair plays, fair games, fair opportunities, and fair rewards to benefit all on a regenerating planet. We need to cultivate equity governance to call in and call out neo-terrorism.

Neo-terrorism is the propaganda war of words, with a sociopathic disregard for the integrity of transparent accountability and truth-seeking.

  • How did AI respond to this cascade of ethical questions about President Trump's neo-terrorist State of the Dis-Union Address?

Where do you agree and disagree with AI responses?


How might we:

  • Unravel the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis to implode the alt-right MAGA psychopathic love fest?
  • Emancipate the land of alt-right indoctrination propaganda to become the Land of Equality, Equity, Liberty and Freedom?
  • Liberate the cry of immoral freedom cry from the hypocrisies of libertarianism and neoliberalism to perpetrate and perpetuate the inequalities of BIPID: biases, isms, prejudices, inequities, and discrimination?
  • Regard President Trump's State of the Dis-union Address as traitorous neo-terrorism destroying democracy and violating our constitution?
  • Identify and defy the falsehoods in Trump's neo-terrorist State of the Dis-union Address?
  • Understand how President Trump's tariffs and Ukraine to propagate neo-terrorist propaganda?

What falsehoods did President Trump propagate about:

  • Public opinion and energy?
  • Tariffs and Ukraine to propagate neo-terrorist propaganda?
  • Economic claims to propagate neo-terrorist propaganda?
  • Public opinion and energy?

  • How did Donald Trump earn his neo-terrorist award, the Bottomless Pinocchio, as the most egregious perpetrator of unrelenting falsehoods?
  • How did Trump use his neo-terrorist State of the Dis-Union Address to build on his long history of falsehoods?

  • ?How might we cultivate equity meta-governance to co-create a Project 2029, dissipate our dysfunctional duolopy, resuscitate our democracy on Code Red, and restore the integrity of the constitution?
  • How might we align an ethical coalition of democratic "middle moral majority" organizations to galvanize virtuous network power to unravel the Deranged Trump Mass Psychosis and undo Project 2025?

Rick, here is a draft proposal for vets to self-organize and take control of the USSH/AFRH 272-acre estate worth billions on the top of the hill in DC. For those who served. By those who served. For the future of all. We are beyond protests and hope. It is time to take action to bring forth participative democracy (Sacks). Later friend.

Roger Farinha

Founder at New American Spring

10 小时前

As much as he is bragging in his speech, Trump's greatest task will literally be to avoid nuclear war!



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