How might we dismantle the propaganda machines of indoctrinations that perpetrate and perpetuate the culture wars of identity politics?

How might we dismantle the propaganda machines of indoctrinations that perpetrate and perpetuate the culture wars of identity politics?

Learn about the purpose of asking Big Audacious Questions (BHAQs) about equity: the virtue of fairness.

BHAQs call for enhancing our awareness about how to redress the dysfunctional dynamics of immoral power that indoctrinate political and religious mindsets with fear, paranoia, hate, dysfunctional polarizations, and divisive toxicities.

  • How can we use the virtues of equity, truth-seeking and transparent accountability to rise above the dark sides of politics and religion?

Neo-terrorism is the war of weaponized words with immoral disregard to the integrity of true-seeking, verification and transparent accountability.

  • How might we, the people, end the fascist reign of neo-terrorism and dismantle the propaganda machines of indoctrinations that perpetrate and perpetuate the culture wars of identity politics?

We think that we are free, but we are imprisoned in our own mindsets.

How might we, as open-minded lifelong learners:

  • Engage in deep contemplation and unlearn about the indoctrinations of our minds?
  • Use the true meaning of liberty to set ourselves free from the isms, implicit biases and prejudices against equity and equality?

This calls developing a catalytic change agent movement of equity muses, who align together with leaders to cultivate a culture of equity.

How might we, as aspiring change agents:

  • Wake up the anti-woke and the woke from their unwokism and wokism?
  • Disrupt the circular futility of regressive, unwoke, cancel-culture callers hypocritically calling out progressive, woke, cancel-culture callers and vice verse?
  • Enable domineering, competitive alpha-males hogging the limelight to develop empowering, cooperative beta-collaboratives with guides-on-the stage and sages-on-the-side needed to co-create a fair-free-flourishing-future?
  • Build bridges across the mindset chasm between unwoke neoliberalism and woke capitalism to co-design and build an equitable, regenerative and sustainable future?

For a deep dive, go to:

  • How might we strive to align our virtuous beings, thoughts, feelings and actions within beloved learning communities of kindred spirits to launch Equity Moonshot?

Robert Olcott

Semi Retired ... still 'volunteering' ...

1 年

Even though Harry Allan Overstreet's book ("The Mature Mind:..." addressing 'Mature and Responsible versus Immature and Irresponsible Behavior') was written before the advent of television, he addressed one relevant 'Institution': Newspapers, not just "Individual behavior"... Similar 'Institutions' in our century may present similar challenges-in presenting 'World Views' noted by Charles Hampden- Turner in his text on 'Socio-Centricity' ("Anomic man's perception is narrow and impoverished, and his Identity is locked-in and stagnant,...").

Colleen Dick

Founder at Rainbird Village & Rainbird Development Company | Seeking Financier Expertise

1 年

I don't know how to change society, but I can change myself to see all persons as individuals and as fellow beings deserving of respect.


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