How are Microservices helping Businesses Build Resilient Applications?

How are Microservices helping Businesses Build Resilient Applications?

The ongoing digitization is causing a major shift in customer expectations across industries. As a result, many businesses are aggressively pushing IT to improve delivery time, cut overall costs, and enhance quality. The Microservices approach describes an alternate way of designing software applications by combining the concepts of containerization, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and DevOps. This results in the much-needed agility, maintainability, expandability, portability, and deployability that enable digital transformation for businesses of all sizes.?

The key features of Microservices:

  • Designed around a specific business need
  • Enables businesses to develop and launch new products into the market faster
  • If the service is down, it still enables the customer to use the rest of the system, although the specific functionality won’t be accessible.
  • The provision to switch modes as per the requirement provides a better customer experience and cost-savings?
  • Can be developed and deployed independently?

Benefits of Microservices architecture over Monolithic architecture;

  • Lower Costs & Increased Efficiency: Microservices are typically small-scale and microscopic, thus shortening the development time compared to traditional monolithic applications. By allowing organizations to use the right technology for the task, microservices can improve efficiency and reduce the number of errors.?
  • Increased agility & flexibility: Microservices being small and modular, can be deployed more quickly than monolithic applications. This increased agility can help organizations respond to market changes quickly.
  • Easier to maintain and update: Since microservices are small and absolute, they can be updated easily compared to a monolithic application. Also, as each microservice is responsible for a specific task, there is less chance of getting errors when updated. This makes maintenance and updating of microservices less risky and time-consuming.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: By breaking an application into smaller, more manageable pieces, Microservices help organizations to get their products to market faster, allowing quicker release cycles and innovation.?
  • Improved Fault Tolerance: Microservices are more tolerant to faults than monolithic applications because the failure of one application doesn’t let down the entire application. Fault isolation can be a major advantage for organizations that cannot afford to have their applications go down.
  • Increased Modularity: Microservices also offer increased modularity for organizations that need to make changes to their applications quickly at low risk. In addition, microservices being self-contained makes it easier to understand how they work and how they can fit into the overall application.
  • Deployed Independently: Microservices can be developed and deployed independently, giving organizations more control over their applications. This increased control can help organizations quickly respond to market changes. Also, microservices avoid the “monolithic blues” that can occur when a monolithic application becomes too large and hefty.
  • Better Data Security: As each service is confined to a specific task, Microservices makes it easier to implement security measures at the service level. This is a more secure approach than storing all the data in a single monolithic database accessible by the entire application.

With an increasing need to build high-quality apps while lowering costs and increasing efficiency, businesses need to reevaluate their approach toward digital transformation. Instead of relying on large, monolithic systems, they need to migrate to smaller, modular microservices architectures that allow them to build independent components and use them to create complete systems. Microservices help fill the gap between business and IT by transforming the way IT approaches software development. It offers greater enterprise agility with efficient processes for changing or developing new applications.

Prem Sarit Acharya

Director-Strategic Growth (Americas) @ CSM Technologies, Inc. (We are hiring!) | Talks about Emerging Tech, Digital & AI Transformation #GenAI #LLM #digitaltransformation #opensource #GreenCoding #Tech4SustainableGrowth

1 年

Microservices based applications will very likely take over all business process automation in a very short time period now. It has also ignited innovation in the use of frameworks like Oracle helidon to build more robust applications & a lot more is about to happen too


