The native wants to know how his mercury mahadasha would be as per his horoscope according to vedic astrology.
Based on the given birth details DOB January 23, 1987 at 8:51 AM Winfield, Alabama, United States and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows kumbha lagna / aquarius ascendant with Jupiter in 1st house, mars n rahu in 2nd house, ketu in 8th house, moon in 9th house, venus n Saturn in 10th house and sun n mercury in 12th house.
The moon is in swathi nakshatra in thula rashi / moon in libra sign and the current ruling mahadasha is mercury.
In order to learn about the current running mercury mahadasha one need to study the significances house signified by mercury and study their significances as per the significances of the sublord of those houses.
From the horoscope the current ruling mahadasha is mercury and its signifying 5,8 and 12th house in the planet level, moon signifying 6 and 8th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 1,9 and 12th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
Mercury is in conjunction with sun signifying 7 and 11th house.
Saturn is in conjunction with venus signifying 3,4 and 9th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the mercury mahadasha period will be a period of transformation where the native will learn from his past mistakes and use the experience of it.
The native will also learn from his current mistakes during this mercury mahadasha period and grow stronger.
Overall, a mixed period of good and bad.
If the job of the native is not aligned with his horoscope, then he will face lot of challenges. If it is aligned then there will be lot of travel involved in his job.
Unexpected expenditure will still haunt the native.
The marriage is an issue in the horoscope of the native and so if he is married then his marriage will be on the rock.
The native should take care of his health during this period.
There will be spiritual inclination during this period and will like to learn about spiritualism.
This is the period when the native will try very hard to own a home.
The native will be analytical after every experience, be it positive or negative.
Overall a mix period.
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