How to meet your own burning bush
In the LDS church, you are given a once-in-a-lifetime blessing called the Patriarchal Blessing (when you are qualified); I got mine 2 weeks ago. I have been working on a project to "save the world" (with some exaggeration) for the past 5 years, so I was keen on getting some indication of whether God approved my mission. My blessing confirmed that I did have a mission from God, but did not explicitly state what that is. What it did is catch me by surprise from the opening: "This Patriarchal blessing is like receiving a divine perspective of you."; I guess I wasn't expecting the Patriarchal blessing to be an individualized divine blessing.
For some reason, that sentence reminded me of Moses's burning bush experience–maybe because I am engineer level 5, and ? engineers joke that you have to have a burning bush experience to be promoted to level 6. So I read Exodus 3 closely, several times. In it, the following event transpires:
Lots of people have tried to interpret this sentence; for example: I am the nature itself (the nature in Chinese is "the thing that just is by itself"), or I cannot be described with some human given name. Here's my take:
If my interpretation is correct, this is a shockingly moving revelation:
In return for such generosity, I want to be with this God, and help Him achieve what He wants: to save as many of the humanity as possible. Perhaps that is one of my mission, and God shows with the example of the burning bush in Exodus 3 that I will NOT be consumed when I make such sacrifice, but rather stay ablaze forever. I never thought of myself as a generous person, but I feel inspired to be a burning bush myself.