How To Meet Your Husband's Emotional Needs (How To Meet Your Husband's Most Basic Needs)

How to meet your husband's emotional needs - How to meet your husband's most basic needs.?

It may seem unimportant to make sure a man is emotionally content, but it isn't. Men need emotional satisfaction just as women do, only maybe to a lesser extent.

If a man is not content emotionally, it's also less common and less likely that he will express it. Here's how you can make sure that he's satisfied emotionally in his relationship with you:

Be Supportive

No man will be completely at ease emotionally with a wife who puts him down and is not supportive of any dreams or aspirations he may have.

Focus on his good qualities and strengths, and don't criticize him. Build him up and remember to always treat him the way you want him to treat you.

Hold Your Judgments

No matter how good a marriage may be, a man and wife don't always understand each other or the choices they make.

If he does things that just don't get, like playing video games or working on old cars as a hobby, don't be judgmental. He won't understand things that you do, like buying yet another pair of shoes or spending an outrageous amount of money on a single handbag. So just let him be himself and remember: if he's not hurting anyone (especially you), then why complain and give him grief?

Make Him Feel Needed

It's a fact that all men need to feel needed in their romantic and domestic relationships. Yes, it's a very attractive quality to be independent. And you shouldn't give up your independence just because you're married.

However, it's crucial to still make him feel as though you need him (even if you really don't). So call him first if you get a flat tire out on the road, ask him to fix something before you call a repairman, or do whatever you can do that fits his personality and skill set. It's simple gestures like this that will do the trick. Feeling domestically needed and wanted will help your man be at ease emotionally.

Show Lots of Affection

The longer a couple is together, the more likely it is that they will forget to show each other that warm and passionate affection that they used to demonstrate constantly.

Don't let this part of your marriage fade away. You can feel like newlyweds again, but it takes more effort as time goes on. Hold his hand, kiss him and give him a warm hug before he leaves for work, etc. Consciously, guys can forget about this stuff and yet it has a profound effect on their contentment in a marriage.

Do Things That He Enjoys

When the two of you spend time together or have outings on the weekend, make sure it's not always an activity that you choose.

Chances are, he doesn't want to go shopping at the mall or pick out new bedding. It's his day off too, so take turns picking things to do. Get tickets to a ballgame or an action movie, or choose anything that you know he'd love to do. The more fun he has with you, the more satisfied he'll be emotionally.

Speak of Him Highly to Others

One of the worst things you can do as his wife is badmouth him to others when he's not around, and especially when he is right there in the room.

If you truly care about his emotional satisfaction, then you need to take the approach of keeping negative things to yourself when you speak to others; it's not classy to air your dirty laundry anyway. Things you don't like about your husband should be brought up to your husband, and then let it go.

Show That You Respect Him

Your husband needs you to respect him, and he needs you to show it.

You don't want to be disrespected, so help him feel safe and content emotionally in your marriage by showing him the respect he deserves.

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Marriage Help: When Communication Lapses Cause Problems

Do you believe that a marriage can survive without any communication? Surely, any marriage will see marriage help if there are communication problems within the relationship. Marriage takes constant work and without communication, I highly doubt that the marriage will survive. Imagine being in a relationship with someone who you aren't comfortable talking to, how can you talk about your day and the things you want to do.

Surely, your marriage didn't start out this way or else, you won't get married to begin with. The relationship may have drifted apart which is a very common problem among marriages. Both of you are focusing on your careers and earning money to start a family and somewhere along the way, you had to ask yourself "how do I save my marriage". When you start asking yourself this question, you admit that there is a problem in your relationship and given that you and your husband rarely talk to each other, the communication lapse is what's causing the gap.

When married couples do not communicate, how do they solve problems? The lack of communication will just lead to fights and misunderstanding because you don't get each other anymore. Anything that can be said will be taken out of context and can easily be misunderstood which can start another heated debate. Communication brings you closer together and because of its non-existence, your closeness has gone away too.

Asking your husband how their day went is a way of showing your care and interest. If your husband goes home and all you tell them is that the food is on the table, they will lose interest talking to you as well. Some couples take it into their own hands and find marriage help elsewhere. They talk to other people about their day and problems which can lead to infidelity later on. This is because they have found a connection to someone else, a connection that should be between the both of you.

The lack of communication will also lead to confusion. Where is the marriage going? Will this problem ever be fixed? If both of you don't have one clear goal, why are you guys still in the marriage? Marriage goals like starting a family, getting a home and car, financial stability are all very important things to be talked about. If you can't communicate properly, then both of you are headed in two different directions and this is probably what's going to destroy your relationship.

Furthermore, the lack of communication might also lead to lack of trust. Since you don't know what your partner is thinking, feeling and doing, how do you know that they still love you and still want this relationship to work? What if you have intimacy problems, how can you talk about this? The lack of open communication brings about the hesitation of talking things through.

How do you solve communication problems? Just talk and listen. Don't wait for the other to start the conversation, initiate it yourself. Ask him about his day and what he wants to do. Do something special for your partner and go out on dates like you used to. If the love is still there, you'll rediscover each other again with your new found bond. As long as you both work hard, you don't need any marriage help from others.

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