How to meet a girl at a coffee shop: finally get that attractive girl interact

How to meet a girl at a coffee shop: finally get that attractive girl interact

Basics: eliminate fear & anxiety by establishing the realist stakes

Best case scenario is she gets mildly annoyed for 3 seconds before forgetting the experience completely. Best case scenario is you brighten her day, get the girl attracted to you

What to say # 1: Be direct, open up front with intentions & authentic with yourself

One way to keep your conversations with women light is to be completely open and up-front with your intentions. For example saying “Hi, you’re really cute and I wanted to meet you” is a great way to start a conversation with a girl. There are benefits

  • Being direct like this means she doesn’t have to wonder “What does this guy want?” throughout the conversation. 
  • You may also find being direct eases any approach anxiety you may have had and makes it easier to start a conversation with a woman.)

What to say # 2: Special banter

 If she’s in a coffee shop she’s probably doing something (reading, writing, etc.), so a great banter technique would be to simply tease her about whatever she’s doing. The girl I met was reading a biology text book and my brilliant opening line was “That looks hard”. If she is listening to music or news on iPhone you can also say "I prefer to read news on laptop"

  • The odds are low. At the end of the day you don’t some earth-shattering pickup line that will make how to pick up a girl a breeze – just be friendly and get a conversation going.

If you are interested for more, read on ... (Mountzios Academy Special program that helps you Build A Bulletproof Confidence That Automatically Attracts Women Into Your Life)

WARNING: Everything You Learned About Women And Dating Is Dead-Wrong!

  • Have you ever:  Seen your “Perfect 10” walk across the room… Only to freeze up in fear, beating yourself up for not approaching?
  • Have you ever:  Confessed your true feelings to a woman you loved… Only to get the “Let’s just be friends” conversation after? 
  • Have you ever:  Settled for a woman you weren’t completely attracted to… Because you didn’t think you could do any better? 
  • Have you ever:  Longed for the feelings of companionship and respect that every man deserves but few find? 

Hi, I’m J Mountzios.

And if any of these stories sound familiar, trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve spent the last 13+ years helping men with their dating lives, and if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that society has stacked the cards against us as men. 

Especially in the year 2020!

From the #metoo movement, to secret smartphone apps that make women look more attractive on social media… What you need to realize is...

The Dating Game Has Changed

How Instagram, Tinder, And Bumble Are Destroying Your Dating Life

Listen, I’m all for innovation.  I love my iPhone. I spend way too much time on Instagram. Hell! You wouldn’t be reading this page if it wasn’t for the internet. 

But in the modern age, just like the economy of “The rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer”… 

When it comes to your dating life, especially in the Tinder and Instagram era:  

“Guys with game get all the girls… And The Lonely keep getting lonelier!” 

Which is a big part of why I started The Art of Charm company and top 100 podcast back in 2008, to give men the tools and strategies to become incredibly successful with women. 

Wanna know the secret most men will never discover when it comes to women and dating? 

Approaching, Attracting, And Dating Beautiful Women Is A Skillset Any Man Can Learn

Yep, that’s right. You’re not dealt a certain deck of cards in life. You don’t need to settle with the dating life you have today. 

And it doesn’t matter how tall you are, what your ethnicity is, if you’re an introvert, or even if you love playing video games… 

  • You can learn the proven triggers that spark attraction with any woman, and get her hanging on your every word
  •  You can learn what I call “The Million Dollar Mouthpiece” so that you NEVER run out of things to say again. (Even with the hottest, most hard to get girls!) 
  •  And you can learn how to smoothly move the interaction forward, consistently getting first, second, and third dates with ease, guaranteeing you never come across creepy or weird

Just like learning how to drive a car or playing ping pong… You can learn how to approach, attract, and date the woman of your dreams. 

Wanna know the best part? 

You’ll Build A Bulletproof Confidence That Automatically Attracts Women Into Your Life

Imagine if you could go up to any girl with ZERO fear of failure. With an unapologetic attitude that drips with confidence and masculinity.  Imagine being able to read every social cue and subtle body language hint she sends you, and easily calibrate your vibe to keep her attracted. 

Imagine always knowing exactly what to say, having a high sense of self worth, and not caring what other people think of you. 

A confidence that oozes into everything you do. Being more assertive at work. Having stronger personal boundaries. Your friends give you more respect…

Sound Too Good To Be True?

Now I’ve got good news and bad news.

  • The bad news is, of course, there is no magic pill. I’m sorry, I don’t have a magic wand that I can wave above your head and turn you into the next Don Juan. 

Here’s the good news though: 

  • Jumping into this confidence “positive feedback loop” is a lot easier than most guys think! 

I’ve seen it time and again on our week-long bootcamps here in Cyprus. Where guys start out as fumbling introverts, afraid to start a conversation, or even approach… 

And in just a few short days, their body language starts to change, they start to become more outgoing, having more fun, and at ease around even the hottest LA girls! 

Stories Like These Happen Every Weekend

"Before taking the AoC Bootcamp, my nights out were hit or miss. Now my confidence is sky high in social settings and people notice!" - Andreas

I wasn't getting anywhere on my own, but after The AoC Bootcamp, I went on more dates in two months than I had in the two years prior. " - Bruno M

Before the bootcamp I had a lot of anxiety, constantly holding a social mask to the world. Now I’m confident being myself! - Kon S 

Here’s Your Chance To Get $8,000 Worth Of Dating Advice For A Fraction Of The Price

And after 11+ years of coaching hundreds of men “in the field” and millions more online…

I’ve distilled down the best mindsets, tactics, and strategies from our $8,000 bootcamps and created a simple, step by step at home system that ANY man can use to become incredibly successful with women. 

Sign up for Mountzios' $99, 2-week, 5-session coaching (including infield guidance). Special offer for new trainees. Apply via InMail


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