How meaningful is the work that you are doing?
Luke Singleton
Expert in Technology Executive Search | Specializing in building high-performing technology teams by placing exceptional CTOs, CIOs, and senior technology professionals
In my role as the Director of Spark I get the opportunity to engage with a broad swathe of the Australian Technology Sector’s Human Resources and Talent Acquisition teams. One topic that is becoming more common in our discussions is “How do we engage and retain high performing early to mid-career technology specialists?” Believe it or not some of the hardest roles for us to find are where a client is targeting a ‘Millennial’ or dare I say a Gen Z candidate. The key to attracting and retaining the young bright Sparks is to create value and to demonstrate how their work is meaningful.
I recently had to the opportunity to meet the co-founders of Corporate Crayon, Evelyn Jackson and Mark Pallot. Corporate Crayon are specialists in building an organisations capability to harness their employee’s energy. Here is an interesting post by them in relation to how to connect with today's Technology professionals: