How May Day Became Sacrosanct to Workers around the World

How May Day Became Sacrosanct to Workers around the World

“Labor was the first price, the original purchase – Money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor that all wealth of the world was originally purchased”. Adams Smith


The dignity of labor is no way captured in the entire history of industry than the above quote by the master Economist, Adams Smith. One of the early Philosophers, Sophocles affirms Smith’s proposition by positing that “without labor nothing prospers”. The great English Philosopher, John Locke followed suit by asserting that, “all wealth is a product of labor”. All these arguments culminate to prove why Labor Day or May Day is sacrosanct to workers around the world. Labor as Martin Luther King Jr saw it is “the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress”. It is as simple as that.

May Day, May 1st, Labor Day, Workers Day, which ever name you like to call it is a special day set aside by those governments to recognize, celebrate, collaborate and reward labor for their contributions in the development and progress of their nations. Some world leaders such as former American Presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy gave special attention and regard to labor.

What we now celebrate as workers day has been a product of long industrial disputes, conflicts and confrontations between labor and capital i.e employees and employers. Thanks to the frontrunners and stakeholders of the collective bargaining that finally established working condition and benefits of service for workers, terms of contracts and mutual agreements between employees and employers modified into what we now enjoy as working standards or conditions across industries and countries of the world.

Aside from the general celebration of May 1st as Workers Day, there are certain things identified as parameters that makes May Day a celebrated day, held sacrosanct by workers of all grades and classes around the world.

In the pages that follow, I’m going to point out in detail what makes the May Day so special to workers.

1.?????The Feeling of Dignity:?one of the things I have learned from my years of experience in Human Resources and knowledge of studies in Industrial Relations is that there is no better feeling for of a typical employee than the feeling of dignity of his labor. This even transmits to sustained motivation, commitment and engagement when the employee’s contribution is recognized and rewarded, no matter how insignificant the recognition or meager the reward may be. Every worker receives a breath of fresh air when his/her little contribution to the success of his organization, be it a public or private enterprise is appreciated. Therefore, to set aside a day to celebrate the workers gives them that super feeling of dignity and value. That’s why many workers are often naturally excited when May Day or Workers Day celebration approaches. ?

2.?????Improved Wages: talk shows and formal speeches are always incorporated into the Labor Day celebration activities where the workers are taken down the memory lane by Labor Leaders or Government officials. Looking back to what was the order before the advent of organized labor and the concept and practice of Collective Bargaining, accompanied by the result in current structure of wages, simply referred to as minimum wage, it makes the May Day commemoration even more important to the ordinary worker.

3.?????Modified Hours of Work: before the official recognition of the eight (8) hour; forty (40) hour a week working condition is one of the things appreciated by workers that make the labor celebration sacrosanct to them.

4.?????Collective Bargaining: ?looking into the results and gains of collective bargaining for workers, they have no reason not to place high importance on a day set aside to celebrate such gains.

5.?????Grievance Procedures: without the activities of organized labor, aggrieved workers would have been varnishing with their grievances in organizations. But thank goodness for such established standards of grievance procedures as labor was able to establish and sustain through collective bargaining.

6.?????Resolution of Industrial Conflicts: since employment environments are social settings harboring individuals of various backgrounds, interests and characters, conflict is inevitable. Nevertheless, some of the conflicts are so complex and devise the abilities of managers of organizations alone to settle, thus warranting organize labor or unions to intervene.

7.?????May Day Formalities/Parades: almost all of us are fascinated by the jamboree and gallantry of military parades and salutes. That is especially interesting when done by a group of civilians in labor uniforms celebrating the Workers Day. ?Structured events are often organized to mark the Workers Day. Activities like parades are carried out by members of organizations like the Nigeria Labour Congress, Trade Union Congress, Nigeria Union of Teachers among others in uniforms. During the match pass parades, salutes are taken in honour of government functionaries such as the President of the country, state Governors, Ministers, Commissioners and their representatives. The salutes are carried out to reassure the employers, government of the workers’ continuous loyalty in service.

I don’t see anything under heaven that will make a day like May Day to be less sacrosanct to workers anywhere in the world. It is a day singled out for workers to mark labor festivals with lots of activities and performances ranges from matching, parades, speeches, lectures etc. May 1 is a day gives workers a special feeling of dignity as well as a sense of belonging and freedom in the status quo. Workers Day celebration is sacrosanct to the workers because it marks a day to commemorate timeless and beneficial achievements attained by their representatives across industries.?


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