How to maximize your Pumper's contributions (so you can maximize your profit...)

How to maximize your Pumper's contributions (so you can maximize your profit...)

Attn Oil & Gas Producers: Chalk it up to an apathetic pumper, when wells don't produce at their full potential, YOU lose.

According to SOER (Sustaining Oklahoma's Energy Resources AKA the old Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission), the average well produces 2.3 barrels of oil per day.

Now, for sake of simplicity, let's say that each well your company operates is a "marginally producing well".

Let's also say that on average, every pumper manages about 10 wells.

Simple math......

10 wells, each producing an average 2.3 bbls a day, equals 690 barrels per month.

A pumper in charge of 10 wells, on average, oversees 690 barrels of oil per month.

At $30 oil, that's still $20,700.

At $50 oil, that's $34,500.

At $90 oil, that's $55,200.

One pumper is responsible for at minimum $20,700 of revenue per month (even more if your well's production rates are higher than that of a marginally producing well or oil is priced >$30/bbl).

That's a lot of money.

Especially when you consider that that cash till in the field is to a great extent, "unsupervised".

Now, the majority of pumpers we've encountered are hard-working and do a damn good job... hats off to all pumpers wherever they may be!

And, pumpers (like the rest of us) aren't perfect.

These guys have a TOUGH job – a lot of them must visit dozens of leases a day.

And in the case of contract pumpers, this becomes further exacerbated because the pumper's priorities (maximizing the number of wells they can take on) and YOUR priorities (giving each well the time and attention it requires) aren't necessarily aligned.......

So whether you have Company Pumpers, Contract Pumpers, or a mix of both – your folks in the field are spread thin and they do make mistakes.

Unfortunately, mistakes cost your company money.

So what can we do?

How can we prevent the pumper from making silly oversights with company oil?

There is one solution we've found that works amazingly well....

And the best part?

According to COPAS, the solution can be billed out over the JIB...

Ladies and gentlemen, the solution to reducing pumper oversights is a daily systemized workflow of production updates, run tickets, and communication not only between pumper-to-office but also pumper-to-pumper and pumper-to-supervisor...

You see, GreaseBook is offering a way to not only help you better manage your pumpers, but also allow your pumpers to better manage themselves.

It's been said that any pumper worth his salt: "shouldn't need a lot of supervision... a good pumper should already know how to maximize a well's production while minimizing the costs of production."

While that may be true, the GreaseBook can get your guys even more organized, giving them the PRECISE info they need to produce as much oil & gas from your fields as humanly possible.

Think of the GreaseBook as an insurance policy against:

? Under production of your wells: GreaseBook gets these guys organized, and transforms pumping from an art into a science (each pumper has his own heads up display of each well's production decline curve on his smartphone on-site, in the field.)

? Delayed reaction times: GreaseBook alerts your pumper and informs your office of new issues in the field, which allows your employees to prioritize their time and tend to what needs to be addressed (while ignoring the rest).

? Human error: GreaseBook provides your pumpers and your office with organized and prioritized production information to take actionable steps to resolve any issues that may otherwise go overlooked (or forgotten!)Disparity in pumping experience among your pumpers will be a thing of the past.

With GreaseBook, every last one of your pumpers (even those "green" pumpers with barely 1 or 2 years field experience), will be capable of making production decisions like a 20-year veteran of the oil field.

How is this possible?

Because given the transparency the Greasebook provides to your entire team, your veterans and managers now have the means to oversee those young pumpers to help guide them into becoming long-term contributors in your business.

We know what you're thinking...

YOU: "I'm busy... how long is this gonna take my guys in the field to get set-up?"

Pumpers simply download the app from the Apple AppStore or GooglePlay and hit the ground running... in fact, most pumpers are up and running with the app and fully trained in less than 8 minutes.

YOU: "How long is it going take my folks in the office to set this up?"

No time investment (we turn-key everything for you...)

YOU: "Are we gonna need any other products or services to make this work?"

Nope. Just open up your phone and get to work.

YOU: "What happens if after a month of trying it, we don't like it, and want to go back to our old way of doing things?"

If you don't like it after the first 60 days, we'll 2X the amount of money you paid for it.

No money to lose.

No contract to break.

No effort or sacrifice required.

How can we do that?

Our solution is just that good.

We'll help you increase production and reduce operating expenses to the point where every barrel of crude and every cubic foot of natural gas is extracted at the lowest possible cost.

Hell, most operators start achieving results in as little as one week.

When GreaseBook rides at your (pumper's) side, your pumpers, your company, your investors and YOU win.

Schedule a 5-minute 'Prove It' Call here >>

→ Achieve results in less than 1 week.

→ "No-sweat" company set-up, turn-keyed by a Petroleum Engineer.

→ "Done for you" Pumper roll-out and training.

→ Unprecedented 60-day, 200% money-back guarantee.

Schedule a 5-Minute 'Prove It' Call here >>



