How to maximise your solar energy production on June 21st
European Solar Day- Otovo's customer house

How to maximise your solar energy production on June 21st

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, and a golden opportunity for those with solar panel systems to maximise energy production. Solar panels can reach peak performance with the sun shining its brightest and longest.

Here are some tips on how to make the most of this solar-powered day:

1. Keep Your Panels Clean:

Even a thin layer of dust or debris can significantly reduce your solar panels' efficiency. The summer solstice is the perfect time to thoroughly clean them. Use a soft brush and water to gently remove any dirt or grime. Regular cleaning throughout the year will ensure optimal performance.

3. Monitor Your System:

Keep a close eye on your solar system with Otovo's app. Monitor your energy production throughout the day and compare it to previous days or average production levels. This will help you identify any potential issues or inefficiencies that need to be addressed.

4. Optimise your Energy Management:

Connect your home appliances to a HEMS (Home Energy Management System) a digital system that manages energy flows in a house and where you can read real-time energy generation and consumption.

5. Consider Battery Storage:

If you have a battery storage system, the summer solstice is an excellent time to charge it fully. Store the excess energy generated during the day to use during the evening or on cloudy days. This can help you maximise your self-consumption and reduce your reliance on the grid.

6. Schedule Energy-Intensive Tasks:

Take advantage of the abundant solar energy by scheduling energy-intensive tasks like laundry, dishwashing, or running the air conditioning during daylight hours. This will help you offset your energy consumption and reduce your reliance on grid power.

Otovo customer using Otovo's app

By following these tips, you can make the most of the summer solstice and maximise your solar energy production. Not only will you reduce your electricity bills, but you'll also contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Remember, the summer solstice is just one day, but the benefits of solar energy last all year round. By investing in solar power, you're making a smart choice for your wallet and the planet. Calculate how much savings this summer can get you on our webpage and discover all the products available for making your home smart and sustainable.

Let's celebrate the summer solstice by harnessing the power of the sun and embracing a brighter, more sustainable future together!


