How to Be The Master of Your Own Time

How to Be The Master of Your Own Time

Oh don’t we all wish we had more time. It’s a constant squeeze to fit in work, friends, the gym, cooking, cleaning the house...washing your hair…!

I hear this all the time, the number 1 reason why my clients believe that they aren’t doing what they wish they were doing. Why they feel so unfulfilled, so unhealthy. Why they aren’t able to do that course they want, prepare for a career move, start yoga. Our constant frustrating relationship with time. 

“I would do (FILL BLANK) if I had more time…”. 

But I want you to get honest: time is not what is stopping you. There are many, many people who are highly successful, who are able to spin many plates, who seem to achieve the impossible when it comes to time management. But guess what, they have exactly the same 24 hours in the day that you do. 

The difference - their habits.

But what are these habits, and how do we all start to create better habits to not only give us more time, but more space to help us move forward towards what we want.


Let go of perfectionism. How much time do you procrastinate, do you worry, do you sit on something and not get it done because you are worried it’s not good enough, that people won’t like it, that you are going to ‘fail’. Honestly consider how much time you waste doing that? We hang on to perfectionism and we waste time because we are so scared of failing. But failing is a fundamental part of learning, of growing, of moving forward. 

What’s more ‘perfect’ is subjective and looks very different to different people. Once we recognise this and understand that some people will always have a different view, once we let go of this idea of perfection, we can move from one thing to the next much quicker, we can enjoy the process much more rather than dwelling and we can give ourselves more time.


Say no more. Say no to friends, neighbours, to work, to your boss. Stop feeling you need to do everything for everyone else, stop believing you need to GIVE away your time for them, for them to like you, to approve of you, to believe you are ‘kind’. Trust me, if you politely turn around to them and say no ‘because you want to use your time to do something else’, they will still think you are ‘kind’. So say no, take back your time, stop giving it away and open up more space for you. Remember when you say no you are actually saying yes to something much bigger.


Change your language around time. We all have a choice what we do with our time. So when my clients say that ‘they didn’t have time to do something’, I challenge them. They did have time, they just choose to do something else with that time. We all have a choice what to do with our time, and when we recognise that control, when we recognise that we can take charge rather than be the victim of time, a monumental shift happens in our mindset, we are liberated and what’s more, we become more consciously and acutely aware of how we manage our time.


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