How to Master Your Goals
Slovak Professionals in New York asked me to deliver a workshop on New Year's resolutions, I froze momentarily. Do you know why? Yes, starting a new year often creates the opportunity to reflect and reset.??Yet, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions! Just think about it, when do you make New Year's resolutions? Most likely on New Year's Eve when you had something fancy to drink or on New Year's Day when you might have a hangover. I don't believe an impulsive emotion such as excitement or a bet among your friends will make you achieve your New Year's resolutions.?Because life gets in the way, there are chores and obstacles to overcome.
Mastering Goals
On the other hand,?I do believe in?mastering goals. If you think through your goal and make a plan, I guarantee you will succeed in achieving it. How is that possible? Well, first of all, you set your mind to it. You focus on it. You found your motivation, realized your gaps, and set a deadline. Simple, right? Yet, people often fail to act on their good intentions.?Not only that life gets in the way, but fear can also do more than stop us from achieving; it can hold us back from even trying.?Motivation alone is not sufficient either. If fear gets in the way and motivation is not the critical element, how do you bridge a goal–action gap??
"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." Tony Robbins
Like it or not, first of all, you need to set a goal, something you want to achieve this year. Focus on a few things to improve your overall situation, whether at home or work. Then you need a plan for how to achieve it, a simple to-do list consisting of meaningful action steps that are easy to follow through. There is nothing more satisfying than to cross off even the most minor task on your list. By visualizing, you can envision the outcome (the overall goal) and predict your path (the action steps).?
You can use the well-known SMART methodology to determine the details of your goal. First, ask yourself the following questions and be very specific with your answers:?
What is the end goal??
Why is it important for you to accomplish it??
Which ways will make you succeed??
What are acceptable alternative routes??
What are the action steps you are going to take??
Who can help you on the way??
By when will you reach it??
How will you know you have achieved it?
When you schedule every action step in your calendar and share your desired outcome with someone you respect, you will feel more accountable for reaching your goal.??
"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." Pablo Picasso
Turning plans into actions
Now you are committed. However, nothing will happen without turning your good intentions into tangible, measurable actions. So, we have to move from the planning phase to the implementation phase. Setting goals is all notoriously known; how is it possible then that you still get distracted and diverted??
Could some self-limiting beliefs or bad habits stand in the way of your success? Behavior change research shows that people who plan for when and where to perform?a new habit?are likelier to follow through. Creating routines help us put our brains on autopilot, thus keeping our focus on the goal. With implementation intentions, "if-then planning," you seek to connect a specific goal attainment with specific goal-directed behavior. The key assumption is that by deciding the specifics of each action in advance, "if-then planning" removes the need to rely on motivation or willpower. Instead, think of it as a step-by-step guide to increase the probability of attaining your goal.
This overall goal may be phrased as "I want to lose 30 pounds". Implementation intentions, on the other hand, seek to connect your goal with your specific goal-directed behavior. Therefore, specify when, where, and how you will direct your behavior to reach your goal. For example:
You can use this formula:?"If something happens and I can not follow my action plan A, then I will follow my action plan B instead."?Think of what kind of behavior you are going to substitute it with.?
A simple four-step method for converting goals into actions
"When it is obvious goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals; adjust the action steps." – Confucius
If the overall goal feels overwhelming, review it. It is not necessarily about the outcome that needs changing but the small steps you are taking toward your end goal. Find alternative paths to keep you progressing yet satisfying your overall goal. We create long-term, short-term, big, small, and SMART goals. However, these goals will be worthless unless you make the first step on your journey to achieve them.
The last but not least thing I must mention is to set a reward for achieving your overall goal at the very beginning and to celebrate every milestone you reach. Achieving a goal feels good, even better when there is a reward for your efforts. Remember, the hard work, the physical and mental struggle you will need to overcome, and the creation of relationships along the way make accomplishing that goal worthwhile. It may take several attempts, months, or years to reach your goal, but once you make it, you will realize that you can do anything you set your mind to. The journey itself is your achievement!?
Finally, if you are losing track of your New Year's resolutions, don't worry; you can still master your goals this year. So what is your first action step?