How to Master Problem Solving in DSA Basic to Advanced

How to Master Problem Solving in DSA Basic to Advanced

Hello Learner, Welcome back to my article with another cool way to master problem-solving using DSA.

Data structure and Algorithm (DSA)?is applied in all disciplines of software development. DSA is the building block of the software development process. It is not limited to a single programming language.

As mentioned DSA basic there are lots of ways to learn the basics of DSA but here is the fastest and easiest way for you.


First of all, Use any?object-oriented programming language?that you want to learn. Here is an example of some programming languages that are popular and very useful,?C++, Java, Python,?or any other language.

Keep in mind do not fall for more than 1 language, Be it in one language.

Learn + Command any 1 language. It would be a great start.

Secondly,?Solve?lots of?basic problems?to learn the syntax of the language and develop better logic in your mind.

Ex:- Prime Number, Palindrome, Armstrong Number, Patterns Problem, etc.

Keep in mind?Patterns Problems?are?one of the best solutions?to develop your logic in the programming language. So, Do as much as you can with the patterns problems.

At the last, Solve problems along with the?theory of language.

BABY STEPS (4 Weeks)

Once you are clear in fundamentals, Start with the basic DSA topics to get hands-on with problem-solving.

Kickstart?Data Structure?with?Arrays, Strings, Stacks, Queues, Linked lists, Hashmaps, and Sets. Start one by one with the possible problem and try to solve that all of the issues.

After that, In the?Algorithm cover,

  • Searching —?Linear, Naive Binary Search, and more.
  • Sorting —?Bubble, Insertion, Selection, and more.
  • Greedy — Don’t ignore!?It helps in understanding basic implementation.
  • Recursion & Backtracking

Time & Space complexities?— Try to understand the time + space complexity with each problem you solve.

DSA?practical knowledge?is equally essential as?theoretical.?DO NOT SKIP ON EITHER.


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  • Decode & solve?the problem at your pace
  • Blocked and feel like quitting? Remember?WHY?you began!
  • Take small?breaks & resume?again
  • It’s okay?to look at the solution if you get blocked by a question


  • Searching?— Modified binary search
  • Sorting?— Merge sort, quick sort, heap sort
  • Arrays?— Two/Three-pointer, Sliding window, kadane’s algorithm, merge sort/intervals logic, etc
  • Strings?— Substrings, subsequences, pattern matching, lexicographic ordering, etc
  • Binary trees & Binary search trees?— Traversals like Inorder, preorder, postorder, and morris traversal (both iterative & recursive)
  • Graphs?— Depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS), topological sort, cycle detection, minimum spanning tree (MST) — Prims & Kruskals, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd Warshall, disjoint set union (union)
  • Divide & Conquer
  • Dynamic programming?— Memoization, tabulation

TIME TO ADVANCE (8–12 Weeks)

Start basic?DSA topics?to get hands-on with?problem-solving.

In?Advance Data Structure

  • Trees — Binary Trees & Binary Search Trees
  • Graphs
  • Heaps
  • Tries


  • Simulates?real interview?timed situations
  • Makes you think of solutions faster under?time pressure.
  • It helps you?assess your ability?to come up with your own solutions.
  • Boosts confidence


  • Note down the?patterns?encountered while solving problems.
  • Don’t solve random problems,?go topic by topic is more important.
  • Revisit patterns + problems?every 2 weeks to keep the basics strong & steady.


  • Bit manipulation
  • Segment trees
  • Number theory
  • Focus more on?fundamentals?and you’ll be able to approach most problems


  • That comparing with others,?won’t help you!
  • Document your?growth & assess?how far you have come
  • That a?placement mindset?can harm your learning phase
  • Set a?timeline target & try to master?in that

Keep learning, Keep focusing, and Keep making yourself master in it.

I hope, you found this article useful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave comments. Your feedback helps me to become better.

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