How to Master a New Task in 8 Easy Steps

How to Master a New Task in 8 Easy Steps

?How we approach an assigned task that is new to us determines a lot. How we learn from it, how we feel about it, our performance, and the overall results. A new task can be challenging or daunting, the right approach and mindset makes all the difference.

This is a guide to navigating new tasks that will help us master them in no time.

  1. Start by reading or listening to the brief
  2. Make notes of things we need to touch base on ( not clear, or don’t know)
  3. Determine the purpose and goal of the brief
  4. Divide the task into smaller milestones

5. ?Research the topic of the brief usually the time of research is determined by factors like the deadline. Luckily now there are many different platforms to get information such as:

a.????? Videos and online tutorials on your tube

b.????? Articles or blogs.

c.?????? Brainstorming session if the time allows it

d.????? Facebook, Instagram, twitter, tiktok, and social media platform

6.Know the technicalities

a.????? Skills related such as knowledge of the market, approach, industry, or the know-how to execute the task

b.????? Regulations, policies, or laws

c.?????? Other relevant factors

?7. Ask the person who briefed us on the task if something is not clear, otherwise briefly tell them what we understood to make sure we are on the right track.

?8.? Check in after completing each milestone for feedback

? Now that we know the steps there are other things to consider


How do we decide on what to research vs. what to ask the manager?


“I ask for what I don't understand, I search for something I don't know” A.N

This statement is very simple and straight to the point, there is a big difference between lack of information and not knowing how to do something. A second opinion/eye is oftentimes essential but we should make the effort of being informed first.



When it’s a must to go to the manager first


·???????? Before submitting any data to others. My manager should go through it first and catch any possible mistakes or give recommendations when needed.

·???????? If the question is something that can’t be researched and is experience-based (e.g.: handling a situation or correcting a mistake).

·???????? When we are unsure or in doubt about which approach is better or what method to use in a given situation (not a clear-cut situation).


Asking for feedback the right way

  • ????? Ask early on ( we can share our set milestones with our manager to see if they need to be less, more, or on point)
  • ????? Be precise and prepared (write down the questions and make sure they are relevant, straight to the point, and needed. This is more efficient than asking questions as they rise)


Things to keep in mind

  • ??? The right time to ask for feedback so we are not interrupting someone else’s work or making them lose their line of thought.
  • ???? The method of asking (in person/ email).


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